F I F T Y - T H R E E

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Finally. The end of the day approached sooner than later, the twins exhausted with running around between classrooms all day and receiving comments and questions on why the hell they were stuck together.

Jungkook let Jeongguk answer all the questions and comments for it was hilarious to listen to, the only joy in today.

Example A.

"Why are you two handcuffed together?" A random boy asked, pointing to the handcuffs. This was someone on the field but he wasn't a football player, Jeongguk didn't care for who it was.

"The same reason why your mom was under me last night. Coincidence." Jeongguk spat with a smirk before he continued to walk, Jungkook's mouth hanging open.

"Now what if he tells someone?" Asked the younger twin, cocking a brow. Jeongguk shrugged. "Guess he's a bitch, then. If anything, I'll beat his ass for it."

That's just today in a nutshell.

Taehyung claimed he had an after school thing to care for but Jungkook couldn't remember the last time Taehyung ever stayed after school or ever wanted to anyways.

Currently, the twins sat on the couch, the TV blaring sound effects left and right. They just threw on a cartoon, not caring for TV too much anyways. Their hands were still cuffed together, unable to un-cuff themselves because Taehyung was gone and he had the key to get these hideous things off.

Jeongguk claimed be would beat Taehyung's ass once his wrists were free from his twin but Jungkook knew that his identical twin brother wouldn't dare lay a finger to hurt their precious boyfriend.

Jungkook believed that Jeongguk fell for Taehyung but the aforementioned never said anything about falling in love. Perhaps he was just hiding away his feelings but nothing could be proven.

"Hey," Jeongguk called, snapping Jungkook from his trance. He looked over, raising his brows. "When should we, ya know, give Taehyung his gift?" He asked.

"Oh, do you mean the . . . ?"

"Yeah, I mean that. We planned it a bit ago. Should we?" Jeongguk inquired nervously. "What if he doesn't like it? Or what if he can't afford it? What if he's not allowed to have it? We didn't even check with his parents." He panicked.

Jungkook took his brother's hand, not only because it was right there but because he wanted to comfort him. "Look, he'll love it. Taehyung will love anything we get for him. Don't worry about it." He smiled.

"We should go out tomorrow and see it, perhaps we'll find one Taehyung will love the most." Jeongguk sighed.

Both boys jumped at the sound of the door, snapping their heads over to the wooden platform. Unfortunately for them, it wasn't Taehyung.

It was their eomma who usually is forgotten in this stor-.

"Hi, boys, I'm home from work, finally." She smiled tiredly, walking over and taking a seat by them, not bothering to slip off her coat or shoes. "How was school?"

"It was special. Me and Kook barley could keep away from each other." Gguk smiled crookedly, his smile begging for help.

"Oh, yeah, it was like we were hand cuffed together all day." Kook added in, hiding their wrists under a pillow.

"What did you boys do? Am I going to get a call from the school?" She asked. "Is it that kid again? You're lucky he didn't press charges against you the first time, Jeongguk."

"No, no, we just had a lot of work to do. We kept running into one another." Commented Jungkook, shrugging his shoulders.

"Ah, sure, if I get a call from the school, I will ground you both!" She threatened playfully before standing up. "Speaking of school, you boys need to do better. All this fighting and your absences, these are going to ruin your careers and what you see yourself doing in the future. Whatever has your focus, whatever girl it is that is catching your eyes, drop her. She should not be the focus. You know how you appa would feel." She muttered before she walked away to go upstairs.

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