Chapter Fifty Nine

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A couple of hours later, the door opened slowly. Alex stood up in front of me.

"Hey," Tammy said quietly. "Can I come in?"

If the girl hadn't just attacked me, I probably would have laughed.

"What do you want?" Alex asked, trying to sound stern, but her voice was gave away that she was terrified.

Tammy walked into the room, carrying a McDonald's bag. She locked the door behind her, and sat on the floor.

"I bought you both lunch... To say sorry."

"Are you joking?" I asked. "You just stabbed me!"

"No... No, I didn't stab you. I cut you," she said, pretending she was holding a knife in her hand and moving it in a slicing motion.

I looked at Alex, and she was still completely baffled.

"Okay, okay. Let's take a breather," she continued. "Alex, baby, I'm sorry for calling you a stupid bitch. And Jamie, I probably shouldn't have cut you. But, you know, I didn't really have a choice."

I just raised an eyebrow at her.

"So. You both have cheeseburgers and fries. I know cheeseburgers are your favourite, Alex." Tammy took a couple of things out of the bag, then threw it across to where Alex and I were.

"Is this a joke?" Alex asked, looking at the bag, that had landed at her feet.

"Neither of you have eaten since you got here, you must be starving."

Alex looked at me, hoping I would know what to say. I realised that Tammy was right, I was starving. I took a cheeseburger from the bag, and unwrapped it. Alex sat next to me quickly.

"Jay, what if she's-"

"She wouldn't poison you, Alex, and we both have the same thing," I reassured her, before I took a bite.

Tammy just sat on the other side of the room, eating her food. Alex started to eat too, and we were both finished really fast.

"Okay," said Tammy, and we both looked at her. "I think we need to talk about what happened this morning."

It seemed like she was waiting for one of us to speak, but none of us could muster up the words to say.

"Okay. I'll start," she said, and smiled. "Things got a little bit out of hand didn't they? I mean, let's be honest, it was a bit unnecessary. I was kind enough to take your girlfriend to the bathroom, and you just hit me with a shelf."

"I wouldn't say it was unnecessary," I said.

Tammy looked at me, angrily.

"We'll get to you in a second."

She stood up, and walked out of the room, leaving us both confused.

"Was she this crazy when you were together?" I asked Alex quietly.

"I'd like to say no, but she must have just been hiding it well. This is beyond crazy."

The door reopened, and Tammy walked back in, holding a first aid kit.

"See, even though I hate you and want you to die a slow, painful death, I'm helping you."

She threw the first aid kit at me, and sat back down on the other side of the room.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I love Alex, and she loves you. I know it sounds silly, believe me, I know," she said, and started laughing hysterically. "But eventually you'll see, both of you will see, that I'm meant to be with Alex."

"And what? We're all gonna live happily ever after?" Alex asked sarcastically.

"You told me you weren't in to threesomes," Tammy replied, chuckling at her own joke. "No, I'm kidding. But maybe, when you realise, we can be together, and Jamie can be a close friend of the family. You know, god mother to our children, something like that."

"You're insane."

Tammy looked hurt by Alex's insult.

"Don't be like that, baby, I just-"

"Don't call me baby!" Alex snapped.

Tammy crawled over to where we were sitting, and sat directly in front on Alex.

"Okay, I'm sorry... Alex. You don't understand though, I'm trying to help you. I know you were happy with me, and I know you loved me. I like to think that you still do... Deep down, at least. That's why I showed you the photos, and the train tickets, and why I brought you back here. I just thought it would make you remember how good we used to be."

"What do you mean, brought her back here?" I asked.

"Oh my god, will you just let me talk?" she shouted.

"Tammy," Alex said softly, trying to get her full attention. "When have we been here before?"

"You don't remember?" She asked, and Alex shook her head. "Oh, well I guess it doesn't look the same now that it's empty. This was your office, when you did your work experience with your dad."

Alex looked like a light bulb had just turned on above her head. Tammy saw this, and smiled.

"You remember now? I used to sneak in here when your dad was on his lunch breaks or in meetings. It used to be so much fun, and I can't believe he never caught us."

Alex just sighed. Tammy smiled at her once more, then stood up.

"Okay. I'm gonna leave you two to talk about it, and I'll come back a little bit later. Any preferences for dinner?"

I frowned at her question, and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Okay, I'll surprise you," she said, then left the room.

"Does she think we're friends?" I asked, confused as to what the hell just happened.

"Jay, I know-" Alex started, but was interrupted by the door opening again.

Tammy smiled at us as she walked in. She didn't speak this time, she just walked over to the bookshelf, and dragged it out of the room so we couldn't use it as a weapon again. It squeaked against the floor of the hallway as she got it through the door. After another small smile, she shut the door again, and locked it.

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