Chapter Thirty One

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I woke up the next morning spooning Alex, with my arms wrapped around her stomach. She was still wearing just her panties, and I was naked. Strangely, I didn't feel uncomfortable being naked with her.

The memory of last night got me all hot and bothered, and I decided to go and take a shower. I tried to pull my arm out from under her without waking her.


Alex grabbed both of my hands and wrapped them back around herself, pulling me in close. I laughed at her response and placed a small kiss on her shoulder.

"I need to take a shower," I said quietly, kissing her shoulder again.

"No, you need to stay here and keep me warm," she said, and I laughed silently.

"You're so cute in the morning," I said.

"I'm not cute, I'm sexy," she corrected me, and we both laughed.

"You're always sexy, but right now you're cute," I said.

Alex's skin was so soft under my hands, that I started to move them. I ran my hand up her stomach, then down her sides, and back up again. I slowly brought one hand to Alex's boobs.

I took one of her boobs in my hand, kneading softly, while I brought the other hand up to move Alex's hair from her neck. I placed a kiss on the seashell tattoo on the back of her neck, and felt her arch her back slightly, pushing her ass into me.

"They're not as impressive as yours," Alex joked, as my other hand started to play with her other breast. I assumed she was referring to the size. My boobs were alot bigger than hers, but I thought hers were just perfect.

"More than a handful is a waste," I said, squeezing her boobs gently.

Alex laughed at my words, and turned her head so she could kiss me. I let go of her boobs, and turned her body round while our lips and tongues moved together.

Alex's phone rang, and we both sighed. She smiled at me before getting out of bed to get her phone from the dresser. I admired her body while she walked away from me.

"It's Ellie," she said, before answering the phone. "Hey Ellie, what's up?"

I could just about hear Ellie's voice on the other end of the phone but I didn't know what she was saying. Plus, I didn't really care, I was too busy staring at the beautiful girl standing in front of me.

"I think she's in the shower, she must have left it downstairs," Alex said, and waiting for a response. "Yeah, please."

I frowned at Alex, wondering what she was talking about, but she just winked at me, making butterflies appear in my stomach.

"Okay then, yeah... See you soon."

"What did she say?" I asked curiously, and Alex moved back to the bed to sit next to me.

"She said she tried to call you three times already, and she wanted to know if we wanted breakfast. She's going to pick up food now, then she will be home very soon." Alex said, and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "You better go take a shower."

"Fine," I pouted.

I took a shower, then got dressed quickly. I went downstairs to find Alex and Ellie sitting at the table eating.

"How was your night?" I asked Ellie, kissing her on the cheek before I sat down next to Alex, to eat.

"It was good," Ellie said shyly, her cheeks turning a little pink.

"So you fucked him?" I asked grinning, and she tried to hide her face in her hands. Alex and I laughed.

"Yeah, I wasn't supposed to, I know." Ellie said, trying to hide the smile that was etched on her face, "He's just so fucking amazing."

"I'm happy for you, Ellie, really. You deserve someone amazing," I said, and she beamed at me.

Alex's phone rang again, and she left the kitchen to answer it.

"Thank you Jay, for not liking this guy when I tried to set you up," she said, and I laughed, "and you deserve someone amazing too. We'll find him for you soon."

I felt saddened by her words. I wanted to tell her about Alex and I. I wanted to tell her how good she makes me feel, and how she makes everything else disappear. She was my best friend, and I wanted her to know that I was happy. But part of me believed that she wouldn't understand. She wouldn't believe I could be happy with a woman, and that might mean losing Ellie. I wasn't ready for that, she meant too much to me.

"Girls, we need to get to the studio," Alex's voice entered the room before she did. When she walked back into us, she had a massive smile on her face.

"Why?" asked Ellie.

"You know I told you about that woman who owns the magazine? Well she wants us to do a trial. Today."

"You're joking?" I asked, and Alex shook her head. "Fuck, we're not prepared for this. We haven't even picked up a camera since Rico's opening. We don't have time to-"

"Jay, calm down," Alex said, putting her hands on my shoulders and looking into my eyes. "Miranda is a good friend of mine, she just needs to see what we can do. She said she's gonna bring one of her models down for a few photos, and she'll look at your previous work."

I calmed down, realising I was being completely irrational before. Ellie got excited about today, and went upstairs to change out of yesterday's clothes.

Alex and I went to change into more professional clothes too. Then we all met back downstairs, grabbing out camera bags, and taking coffee to go. Alex and I went in my car, and Ellie took hers. I remembered telling myself I would buy her a new car, and decided to do it soon, as there was an abnormal amount of smoke coming from the exhaust.

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