Chapter Nine

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Feeling proud of our accomplishment, Ellie and I decided to celebrate our new contract on Friday night. We went to a pub not to far from Ellie's apartment. It was kind of run down, but quite cozy.

I was so used to dining in posh restaurants and drinking in cocktail bars with Adam, that it was nice to be in somewhere low key. Ellie and I were both wearing jeans and t-shirts. We didn't plan on going into the city or to any clubs so we didn't need to dress up.

"What can I get you?" The barman asked us when we got to the bar.

"Two double vodka and cokes please," Ellie answered. My eyes widened as I looked at her. That was the kind of drinks we ordered when we were in college, and it always ended badly for both of us. Ellie just grinned at me and paid for the drinks.

"What are you trying to pull?" I asked, half joking and half concerned, as we made our way to a table in the corner of the pub.

"Lighten up Jay, it's only a couple of drinks, we're not gonna end up sleeping in a tree this time." she promised, and I laughed at the memory we shared.

We drank for a few hours, and I slowly felt myself getting more drunk. Ellie had passed drunk a while ago, and was singing happily into her glass.

"I think that's probably enough now, Ellie, let's go home." I suggested, and after protesting relentlessly for five minutes, she agreed.

When we got back to the apartment, I put Ellie to bed and went to get a glass of water, when there was a knock at the door. I walked quietly to the front door, and tried to sneak a look at who was there through the spy hole, but bumped my head on the door.

"Ow! Fucking stupid door," I yelled, then realised I was supposed to be quiet. I put my finger to my lips and shushed the door. Clearly I don't function well under the influence.

"Jamie it's me, Adam." I heard from the other side of the door, "Are you okay?"

"What do you want, Adam?" I replied, without opening the door.

"I just need to talk to you, let me in. I just need two minutes, okay?"

I sighed at the thought of having to deal with him in this state, but opened the door anyway. He walked in and went straight into the living room, and sat down on the sofa. I sat down on an armchair facing him.

"What do you want?" I asked, and he took something out of his bag.

"Divorce papers. I've signed everything I need to sign. You need to sign it and send it off." He said, and I reached for the papers. "Not now Jay, you're wasted. Sign them while you're sober."

"Okay," I replied. I didn't have anything to say to him. I was shocked that he was coming to me with divorce papers, because a few days earlier he was trying to get me to go back to him.

"I've put the reason as irreconcilable differences, and I just need to let you know that I'm keeping the house. I know it's not part of the pre-nup, and you're on the mortgage too, but I'm buying you out."

"What? Shouldn't we be sorting all of this with solicitors?" I was confused by everything right now, and I just wanted to go to bed.

"Jamie, I'm a lawyer. We can both spend thousands on solicitors, and have this dragged out for a year, or you can sign the contract I drew up tomorrow, and I'll write you a cheque worth a hell of a lot more than the house."

"How much are we talking?" I was curious. Money had never been important to me, which was why I was more than happy to sign a pre-nup when I married Adam. But right now, I wanted to start fresh in a new house, and I really wanted to put as much as I could into mine and Ellie's business.

"Two million." Adam said and I started to laugh. He frowned, and continued, "I'm not joking Jay. I love you, and I can't give you what you need in our marriage. I guess I'm just hoping that this will give you what you want after we're divorced. It's all in the contracts anyway. Sign it when you're sober, and call me if there are any issues."

I was amazed by how mature Adam was being about all of this. I was also confused, and excited about the money. But the vodka was starting to get the better of me, so I needed Adam to go, I would talk to him about this more tomorrow.

"Goodnight Adam."

"Goodnight Jamie," he said and kissed me on the forehead before leaving.

I got undressed and climbed into my bed while the room was spinning. I hadn't been drunk for a long time, and part of me wasn't sure if the whole conversation with Adam had just happened, it was out of character for him so maybe I had imagined it.

I went to sleep thinking about all the different things I could do with that kind of money.

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