Chapter Six: Telling the Truth and Sleepovers

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Hayes' POV

We were driving Ali to her place, when a group of girls surround the car at a stoplight. "Oh my god, please no, not now." Nash says. "I got an idea, hold on" Ali says. She pulls out her phone and calls Shawn, Carter, then Cameron. About five minutes later they come running down the street, and distract the crowd of fan girls. "Run!" Carter shouts, and they start running towards the docks at the beach. All the girls follow them. We drive off, and Ali's laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask. " I forgot you guys were famous, oh my god, I'm not famous, out of our whole family! Even Sky is famous!" She says. I laugh. "We can change that." Nash says. We get to the place, and it looks oddly familiar. "Can you guys come in, I'd like you to meet some people." Ali says. "Sure." I say and I speed up, taking her hand. Nash puts his arm around her, and we take the elevator to the 6th floor. She leads us down a hall, then knocks on door 624. The door opens, and reveals Anthony from SMOSH? "Hey Anthony!" She giggles then gives him a big hug. He hugs back, while staring at me and Nash. "Who are these two, and why do they look like you?" He asked her. "I'm sure Kalel can explain, KALEL!!!!" Ali screams.

Ali's POV

I can't believe she wouldn't tell me! "KALEL WHERE ARE YOU!" I shout, while dragging Nash and Hayes behind me. I bump into Ian and Melanie"What the hell? Ali? Why do those boys look like you?" Ian says. "Never mind that where's Kalel?" I ask them. "She's in the bathroom." Melanie says. I drag my brothers to the living room. "Sit." I say then I run to the bathroom, where Kalel is just getting out. "Great! Your done, EVERYBODY IN THE LIVING ROOM NOW!!" I shout as Ian and Anthony tried to sneak out. "Oh no you don't!" I grab the back of their shirts and drag them to the living room. I pushed them on the couch next to Nash and Hayes. "KALEL! WHERE ARE YOU!" I scream as Nash, Hayes, Ian, Anthony, and Melanie look scared. I find her hiding in the broom closet, and I drag her out and throw her on Anthony. Everyone knows that when I get mad, there's no escape from me, AT ALL! "So apparently, I have a twin brother, and a little brother, and an older brother, and a little sister." I say as I pace back and forth. "Nash, Hayes. Next to me now." I growled. Nash and Hayes immediately sprang up, and stood to my left and right. "You know I so badly wanted siblings Kalel, you know how lonely I've been when I was little." Anthony tries to get up. "ANTHONY I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU TRY TO LEAVE I WILL RIP YOUR FRICKEN HEAD OFF!!!!" I scream. Anthony sits back down. "How could you not tell me?" I began to break, which hasn't happened since my 'moms' death, 8 years ago." How could you keep my family from me?" I say, while dropping to my knees. I sob into my hands, then I feel arms around me, and I feel someone rubbing circles into my back.' Nash and Hayes' I thought to myself.

Nash's POV

I drop down and put my arms around Ali. I didn't wanna see my sister cry. And I'm guessing nether did Hayes, because he dropped down and rubbed circles in her back. I pulled her up, and she cried into my chest, as I rubbed circles in her back. She seemed to calm down, because she got out of my grasp, and sat on Anthony's lap. She grabbed Kalel's hands, and says,"Why didn't you tell me?" " I didn't tell you, because I didn't want you to leave me behind, okay? I was afraid to lose you, and for you to get mad at me when I did." Kalel said, as she began to cry. "Don't cry, I would never leave you, not in a million years. Your still my cousin." Ali says. "Which makes us your cousins." I say, gesturing to Hayes and I. She got up and hugged us, and Ali leaned back into Anthony's chest, while he put his arms around her. ' I wish I had that relationship with her, that lovable brother/sister relationship.' I thought to myself. Kalel let go, and I ask," Ali, do you wanna sleep over my house, Hayes can come to." "Can I Kalel?" She asks. "Sure, why not? It's the least I could do." She says. Ali jumps from Anthony's lap, grabs Hayes hand, and runs to her room with him. I chuckle lightly, following them.

Hayes' POV

Ali drags me to her room, and says,"Help me pick out an outfit." She points me towards the draws, then I pick out a navy blue crop top, with white leggings and her navy blue Vans.

"That's perfect! Wear navy blue tomorrow,k?" She asks me as she puts the outfit, her makeup bag, and her curling iron into her bag. "Sure, why not?" I say. She hugs me and runs to the bathroom with her pjs, when she says through the door,"NASH YOU HAVE TO WEAR NAVY BLUE TOO!" I laugh, then she comes out, with her blue sweats, black tank top, and her hair up in a ponytail. She slips on her white converse, then we head out, but not before Ali said bye to everyone.

We headed to Mom's house, where everyone got out, to see Mom. Ali walked through the door, and mom asked Nash," Who's this?" " My twin sister." Nash answered, smirking. "A-Aliciea?" She stutters. Ali nods, then runs to hug her. " I've missed you, Mom." Ali says "What's all the hoopla about?" Will says as he walks through the door. He stops. "Ali?" He asked. She nodded her head, then Will tackled her with bear hugs. "You have no idea how it is living, knowing that my little sis was gone." he says. "So I have a sister?" Sky asked through the door way. "Yes" Ali says, and Sky had the biggest grin on her face, and she jumped into Ali's arms. "Finally! Now I don't have to live with all boys!" She said. We laugh. I went to get my clothes, and we said bye. We drove off to Nash's place.

Ali's POV

We got to Nash's house, and I was so exhausted. Hayes put on 21 Jump Street, and right in the middle of the movie, I fell asleep in Nash's arms. I felt myself being pick up, then set on a bed. "Goodnight Ali" I hear Nash say as he wraps his arms around my back. "Goodnight Nash" I barley whisper, then I fall asleep.

(Please just pretend that for this book the Grier family lives in L.A thank you!)

Love Will Be Forever ( a Connor Franta and Sam Pottorff Fan Fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ