Part 9: Meeting Zeno

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"Whis, take care of the Kaioshin." Beerus states plainly. "Wow, I never knew Beerus-sama would care for others especially Kaioshin-sama!" Goku said playfully at Beerus. "They come in pairs, Goku-san. If the kaioshin dies, the god of destruction will also die." Whis explained calmly, causing Beerus to be startled. "Whis! How dare you tell that important things so easily!?" Beerus scolded him hurriedly. "So if I wanna kill Beerus-sama I could kill Kaioshin-sama instead, right? But that wouldn't be fun." Goku whined, making Beerus felt a bit relieved until the 3 felt chills going down their spines. "Looks like someone's ignoring me..." Yuko said in a deadly cold voice. "Please forgive us!!!" They apologized, at the same time kneeling down with their heads on the floor (except Goku, who was scratching his neck awkwardly). "Never mind, let's just go already." Yuko said annoyed, holding on to Goku's left hand and Whis also holding Goku's right shoulder. "Bye cha!" Goku waved to Beerus before teleporting to the Kais' planet.

Supreme Kai's Planet

The suddenly appearing ki caused Kibito to turn that direction. He was so surprised and quickly called Shin and Elder Kai. "What's going on here?" Elder Kai asked and finally realizing who was there, "Is there anything we can help you with?" Elder Kai asked. "Zeno-sama called us saying that he wants to meet Goku." Whis explained, earning gasps from everyone, "And Yuko-san said she wanted to stick around with us." Shin froze. This almost made Elder Kai faint. He once volunteered to play with Yuko and he found it as his worst nightmare ever since then. "WHO DID YOU SAY WILL BE STICKING AROUND YOU AT ZENO-SAMA'S PALACE!?" Elder Kai shouted very loud, hoping that he has hearing problems. "It's Yuko-san who'll be sticking around us." Whis said, giving Elder Kai an 'I also didn't want to believe it' expression. "I have never been there before." Kibito said, looking curious. "Of course, I only went there 3 times." Elder Kai admitted, making Kibito felt stupid. Shin shook his head, hoping for luck to save them. "I can take you there, please hold onto me." He announced as the other 3 hold on to him, 2 to be accurate, since Yuko was carried by Goku. "Kai kai." Shin said as they teleported to Zeno's palace.

Zeno's Palace

In front of them stood a small figure, a little shorter than Ritsu or Rutsu. He has pale blue skin and purple eyes. He was wearing a bluish-green clothing with a triangle symbol in the middle. His hair was also styled differently; It was combed backward neatly. He looked pretty much like a chibi Whis. "Daishinkan-sama." The god and angel said as they bowed. The other 2 were clueless but Yuko decided to follow Whis and Shin. Goku looked around amused. "You must be Goku-san, right?" Daishinkan asked. "Yeah! Nice day Daishinkan-sama!" Goku said in his usual playful tone. Then he felt pain in his right foot. It was Shin stepping him. "Well then, please come in. Zeno-sama is waiting." Daishinkan instructed them which they obediently follow into the dark chambers lighten with dim torch lights.

Yuko tugged on Goku's training gi hard. The only time she ever done that is when she was shy, forced on a stage many years ago. "What is it, onee-chan?" Goku asked. "He's strong." Yuko whispered, pointing at Daishinkan. "I know right? He doesn't look like much, though." Goku silently agreed. "Goku-san and Yuko-san, please don't try to do anything stupid like asking him to fight you. I know that Yuko-san is capable of fighting me but I can't lay a finger on him as I could to you." Whis warned, knowing that it would be enough for them not to do stupid things. "How come he's so strong!?" Goku shouted whispers at Whis. "He's one of the five unusually strongest beings in history. He can destroy all 12 universes with only one hand." Whis explained while making a scary look. "He's amazing!" Goku whisper-squealed at Whis.

After a few minutes of walking and small discussions, they came to the end of the chamber. When the scene started to glow white, 3 figures emerged into view: 2 tall and 1 short. They looked like Zeno and his guards. Daishinkan and Whis bows while Shin kneeled with his head touching the ground. "Yo Zeno-sama!" Goku called. "Hey Son Goku!" He called back. "Well, only Goku is fine." He said playfully. " Can you also give me a nickname, please~?" Zeno pleaded. Goku held his chin thinking hard. "Yeah! Zen-chan!" Goku spat out the first thing that came into his mind. Daishinkan chuckled softly. Whis's eyes widen in surprise and the guards looked as frustrated as HECK! They never saw anyone talking to Zeno so casually. The worst would be Shin, who fainted in the awkward position. "That's a great name!" Zeno smiled, happy to have a nickname. "Yeah, I know." Goku smiled awkwardly at how much Zeno loved his nickname.

Red Star (Dbs) | EDITING |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora