Chapter Sixty-Nine "Changes in Somerset"

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            I returned to the house, fresh thoughts of Isaac whirring in my mind, renewing my hope.  I intended to slip through the kitchen and return to my room, hopefully remaining unseen, but our cook was back at the oven, busily preparing breakfast.  I gave Charlotte a bit of a scare when she first saw me, but soon she had her arms wrapped around me and was offering me a fresh scone.  I smiled and told her I already had one, but she insisted and so I took another and was trying to eat it carefully as I retraced my steps back towards the stairs.  I did not cross the hallway before my bundle of fur came charging at me, barking excitedly.  "Shush, Jasper, shush!" I tried to quiet him, but he did not heed.

            "Margaret?" I heard Freddie's tired voice before I saw his head poking out from the library, "So, it is you," he sighed coming into the hallway.  "Judging by the shawl and the scone . . . you went for a morning stroll . . . you went to the beach, didn't you?"  I was about to say something but I never got the chance, "You know how I feel about that, Magpie!  It's dangerous and . . . " his voice trailed off for a moment, "I just really wish you wouldn't, especially not alone," he said shaking his head at me.  "Oh well, we'll discuss it later.  Now be a dear and get Leah.  Lord Edgehill is anxious to . . . ah . . . get started."

            I nodded and then asked, "Has he told you everything?" I found it difficult to look at him directly and instead kept my eyes on Jasper who was trying to pull on my shawl.

            "Are you asking if I know about Isaac?" I felt my breath catch and I met his eyes, "I'll take that as a yes . . . and yes, I know all about him," Freddie offered a fond smile as he touched my shoulder, "possibly more than you do."  He chuckled a bit to himself when I stared at him, "Get Leah, we'll talk later."

            Leah was still sleeping soundly when I entered the bedroom, but it did not last as Jasper, who had followed me, leapt unto the bed and started kissing her.  "Oh, you alert Freddie to my skulking but Leah you wake with kisses," I clucked picking him up and setting him on the floor.  I gave Leah a moment to fully awake before giving her the news, "Your father is requesting your presence."

            "I dreamt that all of it was . . . a dream," she said disappointed when she realized that she was with me in my room.

            "How much exactly," I asked sitting beside her, curiosity making me wonder.

            "Oh," she smiled a little, "we were still in Sussex and I was still playing with dolls."

            "I guess that means that seeing me was not a good omen," I nodded good naturedly at her.

            "No!  Quite the opposite," Leah said with worry clearly in her eyes, "I just meant that it was more of a memory of long ago, when we were all together . . . I am always happy to see you, Margaret," she took a breath, "truly you and Isaac have been the best friends I've ever had."

            "Even better friends then Sarah and Anna?"  I believed those were the names of her friends in London.

            Leah giggled, "There is no Sarah nor Anna, they are just figments of my imagination used to cover for the times when I'd meet with Isaac."

            "Well then, that secret will stay with me," I smiled at her, "Come along, let's see what your father wants."

            She grabbed the robe I offered and we headed to the library where Freddie and Lord Edgehill were waiting.  Neither looked as if they had slept, yet they seemed alert and in reasonable spirits.  "I'm here," Leah announced as she entered the room, "you asked for me, Papa?"

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