Chapter Fifty "Planning Over Whist"

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            When we retired to the parlor after our meal, the lord and lady took their respective seats as they have every night before.  Leah begged for a game of Whist and of course Thomas was obliging.  Just as he was about to usher Faith and myself to the table my brother stood and cleared his throat.  "Lord and Lady Edgehill, I want to thank you for your hospitality, but I'm afraid we will be leaving in the morning," Freddie announced.  Leah gasped and looked towards me, Faith just stared wide eyed.  I felt Thomas' hand take mine immediately, but when I looked at him, he kept his eyes on my brother.

            "But Mr. Woodbridge," the lady began flustered, "There's no need . . . "

            "I must apologize," Freddie smiled, "I meant that my wife and I are leaving.  I think it would be best to get her home to Somerset."  I tried not to smile when I heard a sigh of relief or two, Thomas did not let go of my hand though.  "As for Margaret . . . "

            "She is welcome to stay," Lord Edgehill said, catching his wife off guard, "I will be happy to look after her, as well as Miss Stanhope, if they wish to stay."

            "That would be very good of you," Freddie nodded to him, "I know how much Margaret would like to stay.  But I feel I should add that our brother and his wife will be arriving in London shortly and I'm sure they would like to look in on her."  I turned to him quizzically, that was the first mention of this news.

            "They are welcome as you are," Lady Edgehill preened, "Please let them know."

            "Thank you," Freddie nodded again, "Well, I will join Patience now, good evening." 

            As he turned to leave I moved to go to him, but Thomas kept my hand in his, "I just want to ask him something," I whispered to Thomas.

            "And I can't let you go," he said, barely audible. 

            He looked like he was stuck to that spot, so I pulled him along with me, "Freddie?" I called as we caught up to him, "Who is coming to London?  Are Jonathon and Emily back already?"

            "No," he smiled, "Arthur and Lucy."  With that he gave me a wink and headed towards his room.

            I turned to Thomas, shock keeping my mouth from closing.  "I can't tell if this is good news or not," he surmised looking me over.

            "Wonderful news!" I gasped, "I haven't seen Arthur in four years!"

            "Well then, we will have to welcome him and his wife warmly," Lady Edgehill said.  I had not known she had been listening, but then it didn't surprise me either.  "Once they make their arrival known, we'll have a lovely dinner party."

            I was about to contest the idea knowing my brother Arthur as well as I do, but Thomas had started leading me to the table where Leah and Faith were waiting.  "Speaking of dinner parties, Mother," he said casually, "why don't we invite the Winchesters over one day?"  He tried controlling the smile that was bursting to show, but I saw the delight in his eyes as they met mine.

            "That is a splendid idea," Lady Edgehill gushed, "It would be lovely for you and Miss Woodbridge to spend more time with Philip . . . Miss Stanhope, I don't believe you had the chance to meet Mr. Winchester." 

            Faith nearly fell from her chair and I did my best not to laugh at her startled excitment.  "Not recently, Lady Edgehill," she said regaining her composure, "but I believe I met the gentleman last year when I met your son."

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