Author's Note

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Greetings to all the lovers of Love!  Let me first thank every one of you that has been with me from the beginning and through the several stalls and especially those of you that still look for updates.  The good news is that they shall be coming!

Since returning to the workforce, I haven't spent much time writing and I've missed it.  I'm a different person when I'm writing.  It's an amazing feeling and without it, I'm just not the same.  So my husband has decided to try to help me, I'm only to work on one story at a time...and nothing else until I finish it.  That's going to be difficult for me because I have several WIPs, but I want to do this.  To have actual complete stories!!

That's where Love Comes in Three comes into play.  I've been toying with the idea of rewriting Love, but I've been told by several friends that I should finish it first, save the rewrite.  When trying to decide what should be my first project, it was a toss up between and earlier story and Love...well, Love won out.

So within the next week or so, I'll be getting back to work on Magpie and her search for true love.  I would love to make this magical and maybe, if I'm good enough, if I have enough faith in myself, then I'll try to submit it.  I just have to stop listening to the little voice in my head, I already took away his megaphone, but he's got a healthy set of lungs. ;)

I hope this note brings you good news...feel free to leave comments as I try to muster up the next chapter.

Thank you again,


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