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"I am not wearing this!" I exclaimed as I turned to face Natalie.

She stifled a giggle. "You have to wear it, it was the King's orders" she said, glancing at my ridiculous dress.

"I look like I'm getting married!" I exclaimed.

She giggled again. "Yes it is a bit extravagant but it makes you really pretty, your hair is so white" she said grinning.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "If I knew going to festivals dressed in a god damn wedding dress is what being a slave meant, than I definitely would have tried to escape a long time ago" I replied.

Natalie sobered up. "It's really not that bad and besides, no one will know who you are, wearing this veil.." Natalie said, standing up.

I sighed. "There's a veil!" I exclaimed, bewildered.

"Turn around" she said, turning my shoulders.

I felt her hands in my hair as she pinned the veil on my head before letting it fall down in my face. I glared at my reflection. "I hate this" I said, firmly.

Finally, I turned to look at Natalie. "It's time to go, we don't want you to anger the King for being late" Natalie said, giving me a pitiful look.

I sighed and nodded, stepping off the stool and lifting up the heavy dress. "I'm going to choke to death in this, I can't breathe" I said as Natalie led me from the room.

She froze as we turned the corner to see the King, standing by the doorway, talking animatedly with another man. I almost swallowed my tounge.

Still not being able to see his face, I didn't have to, to know that he was incredibly hot. My eyes wandered down his body, raising an eyebrow at the black suit he was wearing. How the hell was there a hood on his suit?

As if reading my thoughts and probably actually reading my thoughts, the King dismissed the man and turned his head to look at Natalie and I.

"You may return to your duties" the King said to Natalie.

She shot me an forgiving look before curtseying for the King and scuttling away. I looked down and quickly sunk into a curtsey, as much as I could anyway. "I see it fits" he said simply.

"Yes, my Lord" I replied.

Why the hell did I have to wear it though?

"It's traditional for women of the court to wear white on their first festival, since you are attending it with me.. it needed to be royal" he replied, reading my thoughts.

I quickly thought of cats eating rainbows. "Shall we?" He asked, extending a hand.

Swallowing my self hatred, I reached out and took his arm. The King guided me from the maid room and into the throne room while hundreds of Vampires filled the large area. I kept my eyes on the ground, even though they couldn't see my face.

They were all beautiful, looking like they had walked out of supermodel magazines. The King guided me up the stairs and we stood side by side in front of the entire crowd.

Nerves filled my stomach and my hand clenched. "As King, I declare the festival to begin!" The King announced.

Music started somewhere and out of instinct, I looked up. Cheers ran around the room before they started to leave. "What's going on?" I asked, completely forgetting my place for a moment.

"The festival is held outside, surely you didn't believe that we held an entire festival in a castle?" He asked, turning his head.

I glanced away. He stepped forward and I had no choice but to go with him, he had a firm grip on me and I knew I wasn't going to be going anywhere, any time soon. I stepped out of the castle for the first time and my eyes tried to take in as much as possible. This place seemed secluded and touched only by the occupants.

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