Change of Allegiance

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But then, after one particularly disturbing discovery, JPG finally got on board with Alison's little pre-planned rebellion. After all that time, JPG finally began to see the evil that Alison had been theorizing about for the past indefinite stretch of time. For once, the inventor could no longer brush off Alison's petty little conspiracy theories as only that. Instead, she could only agree that not only was the Sorceress planning universal domination, but that she would get it too, and that she was a psychopath who would make a terrible leader once she managed to obtain such power! At long last, JPG went through a change of allegiance and decided, once and for all, that she was against the Sorceress.

Funny thing was, this change of allegiance happened on a very calm, gentle night. JPG and Alison had just been out, exploring the gardens, when the dark discovery was made.

"Hey! Alison! Check this out!" JPG was standing in a very, very tall tree, about to jump.

"If you fall, I'm not catching you," Alison deadpanned, looking up and crossing her arms. She did not fear for JPG's safety, knowing exactly what JPG was about to do. She was going to leap off, but activate her jetpacks at the last second and then go flying back up into the sky.

"I won't need you to catch me!" JPG replied proudly, then just as Alison had suspected, JPG jumped. Right off of the tree, she jumped.

Inches before she hit the ground, however, she switched on her jetpacks. Red and golden flames shot from the bottom of the jetpack and suddenly, JPG was airborne again, sailing through the night sky like a shooting star. A very large, very loud shooting star.

"Woo hoo!" she cheered as she arched across the sky. Alison, still stuck on the ground below, chuckled and rolled her eyes fondly.

"You reckless creature, you!" Alison whispered up at JPG's darkened outline.

For a few minutes more, JPG continued to fly circles around Alison, teasing her.

"Betcha wish you could fly too, huh? You jealous yet, Alison? Jealous that there's finally something a human can do that you can't?"

"Of course not," Alison shrugged, not even bothering to try and focus in on JPG because of how fast she was flying. "This isn't the first time a human has proven capable of doing something I cannot."

"Really? What other humans have you met that can fly?" JPG was genuinely interested.

"I wasn't referring to the power of flight," Alison replied. "I was referring to all the other skills that humans seem to possess, particularly you, that I, myself, cannot fathom. The first and foremost of those traits is unimaginable stupidity."

What followed was Alison teasing JPG on all the dumb and dangerous things she'd done in her life before talking about all the hilarious and embarrassing mess-ups the young inventor had endured as well.

"You're impatient, ignorant, foolish, stupid and hotheaded," Alison counted on her fingers. "Trust me, there are a lot of things you can do that I can't, like being crazy enough to jump off a tree, jetpack or no jetpack. I'm not jealous at all."

"Jerkface," JPG replied with a pout, but Alison only shrugged innocently. "Alright then, princess, let's see if you're so tough!" the inventor muttered, but before Alison could ask what that was supposed to mean, JPG had grabbed her by the armpits and lifted her straight off the ground.

"Whoa!" despite herself, Alison cried out when she could no longer feel the ground beneath her feet.

"I added in some extra thrusters so I can carry someone else with me!" JPG shouted over the wind as she flew Alison higher and higher up. Alison lacked the voice to respond, a mix of fear and exhiliartion rising up in her chest as JPG soared her over the mansion. It was a beautiful view and a great sensation to fly, but being carried around by her armpits kind of hurt and JPG already admitted that she wasn't strong enough to carry Alison bridal style. It probably would've been better if JPG had let Alison use the jetpacks so that way Alison could carry JPG, but JPG was so possessive of her jetpacks that not even Alison was allowed to wear them, so the flight continued the way it began, with Alison being carried by the armpits by JPG as they soared across the starry sky...

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