Chapter 83

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(The very next day...)

I coughed, idly straightening the bow tie Stanford begrudgingly lent me as I looked around in wonder at the setting where the ceremony was going to take place. Instead of a stuffy church, the ceremony was taking place outside of the city in a small meadow. Butterflies lazily floated through the air, and I had to keep my cool when a bumble bee landed on my nose. I mean, spring is currently in full session, so what was I expecting?

I really didn't have anything formal to wear, so Ben lent me a uniform of his that he said he wore for ceremonies. It consisted of a mottled dark gray and black tunic with a pure black jerkin that was worn over it. (For those of you who don't know what a jerkin is, it's a vest. That's it: just a vest. Nothing dirty-just a vest.) A pair of matching dress pants also came with Ben's uniform, and I thanked him profusely for supplying me with it. I wore my usual black boots with this uniform and finished my attire off with a bitchin' bowtie that my awesome boss gave me.

-Stan- Go to hell...

-H- Love you too, jackass. Moving on, Luna has stated on multiple occasions that she loathes dresses, so she wore a flowing white skirt with a matching blouse. Both of which had elaborate gold swirls and detailing on it that made her look breathtakingly beautiful.

I was intending for the ceremony to be small-I wasn't expecting many people to show up. The people I was told were coming was my entire team, (obviously) my dad and Luna's parents, and Stanford's family. (Stan had Evelyn talk to Luna, and she hesitantly agreed to allow my mentally-unstable boss to attend) However, I was quite surprised when a certain midnight-scaled dragoness and her youngling landed in the clearing when all of our human guests had arrived. Hell, even Helena and Augustus showed up after that.

"Anyone else showing up unannounced?" I asked the heavens.

"I might as well make an appearance." Serafine replied as she appeared before me.

I sighed, "I jinxed myself."

She laughed softly, "Indeed you did, Helix. Do you mind if I attend?"

"Not at all." I replied with a smile, "Just don't mind my boss. He's...special."

Serafine looked at me curiously: "Special in what way?"

I scratched my head in thought: "Hmm....there's really no way to put it into words. If you want to find out for yourself, try to strike up a conversation with him."

She nodded, "Fair enough."

The ceremony was going to start at sundown. When the sun finally did dip below the horizon, the meadow was bathed in a brilliant shade of indigo. Candles were lit around the simple dais Fredrick stood at, and orbs of light floated lazily around the rows of wooden benches that had been arranged for everyone (well, all of the human guests) to sit in. Thankfully, no one seemed to mind the two full-grown dragons (with the addition of Lillium) that lounged away from the procession so they wouldn't crush anything on accident. An eating area comprised of a small group of wooden benches sat off to the side of the dais and benches, and Warren had assembled a hastily-built cooking area to serve food to everyone after the ceremony.

"Is everyone here?" Fredrick asked when everyone was seated.

"One moment please." My mother chimed in as she appeared before us. Her long black hair flowed down her back elegantly while her white dress was simple yet beautiful.

"Hello my son." She began as she embraced me. Once again, she felt real-as if she didn't die all those years ago and I wasn't daft enough to bring her back as a demon, only for her to be killed again by my dad's sword.

Pushing that thought aside, I smiled: "Hey mom. Thanks for showing up."

"Of course." She replied as she walked over to stand beside my dad, whose mouth was agape in surprise.

"Alright, now everyone is here," Fred continued with a smile on his face. When no one else appeared out of nowhere, he nodded to himself and started the ceremony.

"We are here today for the union of two exemplary individuals: Helix Blackwyrm and Luna Tsuki. I have known these two for quite a time, and I am honored to be here in this moment."

"Better you than some lousy rabbi!" Ana shouted.

Ripples of laughter passed through the small crowd.

Fredrick chuckled, then continued with the ceremony. It was fairly short and simple: I kind of improvised my vows on the spot, but I think I did pretty well.

"I promise to raise my shield in your defense, and to raise a stein in your honor. I promise to strike down any who dare try to harm you, and to protect you until my last breath. Most of all, I promise to stay with you through the light and the dark-the happy and the sad moments. Lastly, I promise to put a smile on your face-even if Sylvia has to set my pants on fire, I will make you smile."

Luna's eyes glowed with joy: "I suppose it's my turn." She mused to herself. "Alright, here I go: I promise to care for you through sickness and through health-and especially when Dorrian puts an arrow through your knee. I also promise to make every day a new day for you. Lastly, I promise to keep you in one piece through whatever means necessary-even if I have to duct tape you back together."

"Woo!" Nova cheered: "Duct tape can do anything!"

The moon was making its ascent in the sky as Fredrick got to the last part of the ceremony.

"Luna, do you take Helix to be your lawfully-wedded husband?"

"Aye, I do."

"And Helix, do you take Luna to be your lawfully-wedded wife?"

"Aye, I do."

A mischievous smile brightened Fredrick's features: "Then I pronounce you both husband and wife. What are you waiting for? Kiss her!"

And with that, I kissed my now-wife while flipping off the high king of Alysia.

Everyone cheered while Pandora and Augustus breathed fire into the sky, illuminating the night in brilliant shades of orange and red.

"It's about damn time you two!" Stanford shouted, only to hit the ground as a knife punched through his knee.

Analise cackled with laughter as she high-fived Dorrian: "Worth it."

My dear friend had a few bandages on his face thanks to Erron, Horace, and Ben roughing him up, but he still had a goofy grin on his face. Erron chuckled as his dragon flew circles around him in joy. Ben smiled and fist-bumped Horace while Nova took out her hand cannon and shot off a few blasts of ethridium. Each exploded in the air in a brilliant display of color.

"Woo!" Nova shouted. Pip floated out of his hiding spot in Nova's shirt and looked around curiously.

"Huh. I must've missed the memo. No matter. Woo!" he cheered as he threw his spherical hands into the air.

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