Batter up (Kol Mikealson)

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Kol smiled as he walked towards Damon with a bat. He had made a comment about you and Kol was getting his revenge.
Damon turned around,groaning
"What do you want?"

Kol swung the bat upwards,making Damon fall.
"Talk about (Y/N),like that again and your faith will be worst then death."

Kol swung the bat again,snapping Damon's neck. He threw the bay becreo grabbing Damon's keg and started dragging him.
"Now,let's go bleed you out and fill you with vervain."

Damon's body jolted as he hit a rock. Kol smiled as he head the loud echo
"Oh,that's gonna hurt. As well as this."

Kol threw his body towards a building,hitting the glass window. Screams echoed as Damon's body landed. But,Kol smiled."



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