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I won't be including the whole script as not all relate to Barry. I also could not find a complete script.

ZanaZoola: This one is different. We are watching most of an episode of Glee.


Sam: Dude, look at this! This is Hunter Clarington two years ago. Look how skinny his head is! Okay, this is him now. Look how much thicker his head is!

Blaine: So, maybe he started working out.

Sam: What, doing skull-widening exercises? Dude, human growth hormone! HGH! Same thing happened to Mark McGuire and Kirstie Alley and Drew Carey and Star Jones and Aretha Franklin and Cedric the Entertainer... Blaine? Blaine! Dude, this is serious!

Joe: Human growth hormone was used in the group?

Barry: Yeah...

Blaine: Uh– yeah, I, um, I don't know.

Sam: Look, I'm telling you, it's been keeping me up at night, Something weird's going on with the Warblers. They're doing all those weird flips and superhuman jumps at Sectionals –

Cisco: Superhuman?

Barry: Yeah... Different things happened then.

Blaine: Exactly, That's why they won.

Sam: And where was round-faced Warbler? You said he was there when you went back to Dalton, but come Sectionals? Poof! He's gone.

Blaine: So, what're you saying?

Sam: I think they cheated at Sectionals.

Kara: Cheated?

Barry: Was not a good time...

Joe: So cheating was involved.

Blaine: Sam, you can't make accusations like that without any kind of evidence.

Sam: Well, then I'll find some evidence! Do you have any lip balm I can use?

Blaine: What?

Sam: Conspiracy theories make my lips get all chapped. Come on, dude, it's not weird. We're like brothers.

Blaine: Yeah, um, sure.

Sam: Thank you. Mmm.

Tina: Guys, you're late!

Blaine: I know. Sorry. This meeting of McKinley High's student council is now in session. First order of business: Secretary Cohen-Chang, will you please read the minutes from last week?

Tina: Sam did a Daniel Craig impression for forty-five minutes.

Sam: *impersonating Sean Connery* I'll have it shaken and stirred too.

Blaine: That was fantastic. Thank you, Secretary Cohen-Chang. Treasurer Motta, if we could go through the budget appropriations we were going through last –? Yes, Tina?

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