Smooth Criminal

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ZanaZoola: Oh another will be joining us.

CC: *falls onto the floor* Oww...

All: *watch the clip*

All (except Barry, Kara and CC): Villain!!

CC: Something you want to say, Scarlet?

Barry: Surprise?

CC: Wait you mean what she said was true?

Barry: Yeah.

Kara: Wait, when mine made a hero club...

Barry: I got together a Villain one? Yeah, it's true. I was the leader of a group of villains. *smirking* Group name, Sexy Villains, my name, voted by every one of them, Seductive Demon.

CC: Ok, so let me get this straight. You, Scarlet Speedster, the hero of Central City... Was a villain?

Barry: Yep. *smirking straight at him* How else do you think I could figure out your plans? Through mind maps? No... *laughs* I used my brain, I worked out a plan in my head how to steal the different things so that I could see your plan.

Kara: Ok, I did not know of this.

Team Flash: Nor did we. We thought he did do it using mind maps.

Captain Cold: Prove it then.

Barry: You have a blade hidden up your sleeve, you want to defend yourself if you are without your gun, which is strapped to your side over your left leg. You coat, although thin is completely thermal. Your shoes have hidden ice grips, allowing you to make a hefty escape if you have to use your gun. Behind your ear, there is a small mike. That is why, before you asked for me to clear up what I said, you 'scratched' your ear. You have a second set of trousers under the ones that you have that are skin tight and help keep you at the correct temperature. Do I go on?

CC: No, you made your point... Though, how did you know about all that, you did not check otherwise we would have seen.

Barry: Because that is what I would have if I was to be using a cold gun as a weapon. You and I think similar then you think Len. *raised an eyebrow as he smirks*

Cisco: Who else is creeped out by this?

Everyone: *raises their hand*

ZanaZoola: Back onto business.

CC: I am highly intrigued by this, you can sing and, what I would call, prance around quite well.

Cisco: The cellists could beat The Flash in a race! They broke their strings in the end!

Catlin: Ok, you were seen to be Gay, she was Lesbian I would say. Yet there seems to be more chemistry between you than anyone I have seen!

Barry: Chemistry, between me and Satan! Oh, you got to be off your head to think that!! She-queer-a could not be less me than a wall, don't ask...

Oliver: I am impressed by how that was all just so that you could settle an argument.

Iris: ''Don't want to see me make a girl cry''?!!

Barry: Ok, I get it! I was not nice back then!

Kara: Interesting choice of song.

Alex: Very interesting.

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