Chapter 12 ~ Mystery

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"Maybe he loved mysteries so much that he became one."

"I actually thought you'd be late." I defended myself as I try to pick an outfit. It's not a date, that's for sure, but I always want to look presentable.  

I could hear him laugh, while he leans next to the door. "So that's why you didn't get ready?" Looking at him I realized he didn't actually believe me. And if he doesn't, he's right. I just don't want to go out with him. This time he can actually lock me in a basement. "Or do you think I'm kidnapping you again?" He walked towards my closet, looking at my various clothing options. "That can't even be considered as kidnapping, I just took you to my place, nothing wrong with that." And maybe he was right. He didn't lock me in somewhere dark, he gave me food and he treated me right. 

"But why did you take me there?" He shrugged his shoulders in a lazy motion, pointing to what I should choose. 

"I just thought I could get to know you better that way." He gently smiled. "Guess I was wrong."

I nodded. "I'll be right back, I'm just gonna change."


"So you're not taking me to the middle of the woods." I crossed my arms.

I must admit, Harry looked good. But it is easy for him, he's already good looking, he can put on anything he wants. "I already told you I'm a good person, Henna." I looked at him, no emotion on his face. As usual. "I'm sick of you judging me, you know? I'm actually trying to make you forget what I did. I know it wasn't right in any way, but it's done, and I'm sorry. It's not like you suffered that much." Listening to him saying that made me feel really bad. I mean, he's actually trying.

"Alright. I'm sorry." I smiled to him. "Where are you taking me?"

His eyes left the road for a matter of one second, to look at me with a little smile. "Since we're just trying to be friends, I think it would be fun to hang out with the boys." I could feel the excitement on his voice. But not knowing why, I felt a little disappointed. Yes I know he said friends yesterday, but even though I don't like him in a way I would date him, it still makes me sad. "You also have Zayn's girlfriend there, so it won't be just boys." I nod, as look through the window. "And besides, I've heard you and Niall have been hanging out lately." As he said that, I could feel his voice changed tones, as if he was jealous. 

Yeah, Niall was a good friend, but only that. A good friend. He's nice and sweet, but just not my type. I usually fall for idiots. We all do. I don't know why, but every single guy I had a crush on was a complete d*ck. That's just how life goes I guess. "Yeah, we have." But I'm going to mess around with Harry. "He's so cute, and he always helps me so much." I smile. "And also, he's really nice for me." 

"Hm." Harry looked at me for a brief moment. "So are you into him?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, maybe." I actually like this. Playing mind games with Harry. I just don't know why I'm doing this.

I take a glance at Harry. "We're here." When he was about to get out of the car, he turns to me and adds: "And don't wait for me to open the damn door again Henna." He laughs as he finally goes out, leaving an annoyed Henna on the car. If he was a girl I would definitely call him a bitch, but that doesn't stop me, so he's a bitch. I step outside of the car, closing the door behind me. I the admire the beautiful house in front of me. It wasn't that big, but it was definitely modern and chic. As I walk towards the door, where Harry already was, probably ringing the bell, I could see the perfectly alined garden and some beautiful fountains too. 

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