Chapter 6 ~ Freedom

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"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes."

I don't know where he was driving me, but it was taking a really long time. Why was he forcing me to do all this? It's my freedom of choice, at least I think I still have a say in anything I'll ever do.  Why was he like this? I guess darkness took the best of him. 

"Where are you taking me?" I looked up at him with a curious gaze.

"Going to kill you in the middle of the woods."

My eyes grew wide with fear. I knew it! I always knew he was a serial killer.

"Relax." He rolled his eyes. "I just really want a damn ice cream."

I don't understand. In a second he's all mean, looking at me as if he's actually about to murder me, and now, he looks like a fucking child, wanting his ice cream. He's so messed up, and because of him, I'm starting to wonder about both his and mine sanity.

"We're here." I got out of his car, which,surprisingly, was white. He reached for my hand, but I evaded his grasp and continued toward the door. 

 His hand, once again, made contact with my arm, and I tried to let go of him. But this time was different, he didn't want me to run, I think. Well, there's not much I could do about that. He knows where I live.

After he got his ice cream we headed to his car again. And that was a hell of a car. "What do you  want?" I spit, not caring about his reaction.

He raised one eyebrow at me. "I just want to eat my fucking ice cream, Henna."

"No, what you really want." My voice was harsh, for the first time, I wasn't afraid of him.

"Look, sweetheart, we wouldn't want you getting hurt now, would we?" He looked at me, his green eyes not showing any emotion, making me a little bit uncomfortable. Yup, forget that part I said I wasn't afraid. "I thought so. If I were you, I would keep that pretty mouth of yours shut." He got into his car, me mirroring his moves. 

"I wanna go home." I crossed my arms, and somehow, that made him laugh. "What!?"

"You're going to stay at my apartment." My eyes grew wide, that's something I really didn't want to. I looked to the door at my side, and as if he could read my mind, he locked it. "I would not want to do that." I flinched with the acidity in his voice. 

Why me? I don't get it. I try to understand why the hell he chose me. And I couldn't think about anything. I couldn't think at all. My mind was so full of this, full of him. Before I knew, tears were streaming down my face. He was focused on the road, so I guess he didn't notice what was going on. 

I remember when he hugged me until I stopped crying. Why couldn't he be always like that? It would be so much better.

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