Chapter 8 ~ Memories

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"Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart."

My heart fell to my feet, why would he do that? I mean, why wouldn't he? He seems to be unbreakable, heartless, no feelings at all. Niall was still looking at me, his blue eyes were different from Harry's. Not for the color, I just could see what he felt through them. He was worried with me, and unlike the stupid human being Harry is, he cares about be, or else he wouldn't tell me all this.

I just don't understand. It's like Harry has a spell on me, and I always end up crawling back to him, even thought we're not dating, thank God. How stupid of me. He really wants to hurt me. Physically or psychologically? Whatever it is, I don't want to know, at least for now.

"I'm sorry Henna, I really am." He looked guilty, even his tone was showing that. I just shook my head, afraid that if I spoke, my voice would tremble.

Mine and Niall's head turned to the door, facing an angry Harry standing there. "Why are you here?" I bet he knew why.

Niall quickly answered. "Henna wanted to swim, but I wouldn't let her." He shrugged.

Green eyes staring at both of us, suspicious, but letting it go quickly, too quickly. "Thanks dude, you can go now." Niall nodded giving him a small smile, looking at me right after.

"Bye." He whispered and I smiled, a real smile this time.

Once he was gone, Harry's eyes landed on mine. "What did he tell you?"

I furrowed my brows. "Why does he ever has to tell me something?"

He smiled, his dimples showing. "Because he was always against this."

A sigh escaped from my lips. I couldn't stand him anymore. Slowly, I moved my body to the living room, making him look at me confused. It was already night, Harry spent the hole day out, while he locks me here. How nice of him. I sit on the couch, Harry wasn't with me, and that's good.

I missed my mom and Jordan so much. Even though I didn't use to spend a lot of time with them, I still miss them. I remember when me and Jordan use to visit my grandmother in England. My first time in a plane was a disaster. Both me and my sister made too many noise, and I accidentally spilled juice on top of the stewardess. Mom was getting so annoyed, and that made the whole situation funnier. I keep in mind the way Jordan ran through the plane. Her arms were over her head, while the little giggle filled the space. The way how mom was running after her was the best. She was so mad.

We had so much fun in  England. Grandma had a farm, we used to help her doing the only thing we could: scare the chickens. If that counts as a help, of course. Grandma used to give us cookies, with chocolate, and when she didn't, we stole them from the jar. She usually tried to hide it, but we could always manage to find it. Those were good times. Right now, I wish I could go back in time, I wish I could be that child again. I remember a little camera I had. 

Ever since I was young I've always loved capturing those special moments in my life as mental pictures in my mind. Maybe it had something to do with my dear mother who ever since I can remember, loved taking photographs of us growing up, come rain, wind or shine she would be there with her camera capturing special moments... Memories are important to me, because I love to reflect on the important moments in my life, memories give us an opportunity to travel back in time, to re-live special moments in our lives, and even be with loved ones who are no longer with us. Today's moments will be tomorrow's memories.

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