Chapter 16 ~ Dream

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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

"You should actually do it Jordan." I smiled at her. How could we be sisters? She was so different. Dark chocolate brow hair, blue beautiful eyes, heart shaped mouth, and a pale skin. She was unique. And I was boring. "Only if you don't burn anything." I grinned as I opened the door. A morming jog. I never did it before, so I don't really know what I'm about to do.

Maybe what made me want to do this was Harry. I just needed to think, and this was a perfect way to do that. With my earplugs correctly applied, I start playing Flares by The Script. One of my all time favorites. Their music was just perfection, absolute perfection, nothing else.

Yesterday's events started to play on my mind. Who was he talking to? Why did he leave so quickly? Why was he so concerned? Harry always leaves me confused about his actions. And the kiss? What about the kiss? It was just on my forehead but still, it was weird and unexpected.

There was so many questions, yet no answers, and I hated that. I hated that he had to leave early, not because it was him, but because for once, I didn't feel that alone. I let out an exasperated sigh, trying to focus on my breathing. This was so hard. I already feel tired and just started now. That's really sad, I definitly need to work on cardio.

I've been really into fitness. I've been watching some Blogilates and Vicky Justiz workout videos on youtube. I didn't know that just by doing squats, and other leg exercises like lunges and stuff would make such a huge difference in your whole body, legs and butt! Also, I really like those light abs, those really perfect ab lines, not entirely abs though, just a flat belly. For that I need to eat healthy, and do some exercice, and I think I can really reach my goal! 

For motivation I just see some instagram pages with some flat abs and stuff. It's really helpful. Before, I always though 'oh wow I want to be like that' but I didn't know how to, or just kept eating junk food. Now that's all changed!

Once I return back home, my sister was already eating lunch. At least she also liked to eat healthy. "I'm just going to take a shower, okay?" She nodded, informing me she would go out with her friends. She was having a really nice summer. Full of adventures, parties, friends. I never really liked Summer though. I hate the beach and would rather spend the day at the pool or something. 

After the shower I head to my closet, picking up some nice sweatpants and a large t-shirt. Just to be comfy. I don't like walking around in a pair of extremely tight jeans and a crop top around my house, it's uncomfortable. 

I then head to the living room, with my lunck on the plate already. Couch potato. That's what I sometimes am. A couch potato. Laying on the sofa before a really active day is more than I could ask for. And to watch your favorite tv series at the same time? Priceless. That's how lazy I am. Just to think this morning I was in a fitness mode, and still am, but I need to relax once in a while.

I haven't really done anything this Summer, but what would I do? My bestfriend is in another country, my sister goes out all the time, and besides, I have nobody else. Yes, that's probably sad, but I don't mind. I'm used to being like this, it's not like I'll lay around, crying because I have no friends, just for attention. That probably made no sense.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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