Tiny Tour From Above (Requested Nikolai)

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"Where exactly are you taking me?"

"Don't worry yourself," Nikolai mused, holding your hands in his as he led you blindfolded.


"Hush," he stopped you and then stepped around behind. "Okay."

With that, he removed the dark blindfold and revealed a helicopter sitting in the lush green grass of the park he'd taken you to. You cocked your head and faced him.

"What's that for?"

"You fly with it."

"Well I know that," you playfully shoved him, smiling. "I mean, what are we going to do with it?"

Nikolai only smiled and then clutched your right hand. He led you forwards, opening the copilot door of the small chopper. You used his help to step up into the seat.

"Don't touch anything," he mused once more, shutting and then latching the door for you.

Nikolai began to walk around the front of the ride, his eyes trained on the areas around the helicopter. You looked down at the array of controls before you. How was it even possible for someone to memorize something like it? Not only were the buttons different sizes, but different colors too. Some even looked identical.

"How do you remember what all these are?"

Nikolai slammed his door shut and smirked. "Practice. Put these on."

You took the headset from him and slipped it on. Your fingers adjusted the mouthpiece as you watched Nikolai do the same. He smiled at you, his eyes squinting like they always did.

"Now, where are we going?" you questioned as he started up the machine and began to double check equipment.

"That I can't tell you."


You cut off with a gasp as the helicopter started lifting off the ground. You gripped the nearest handle and tensed up in the leather seat. Your eyes must've been as wide as marbles because Nikolai chuckled through the headset.

"It's alright, I promise."

"Still weird to think this is the only thing holding me up from falling hundreds of feet to my death!"

"At least I would die with you."

You shot him a look and he grinned. "Don't jinx us."

"You question my ability to fly?"

"Only cause I've never been in a helicopter with you."

"Oh, Y/N," his eyes narrowed as he began to push us forwards to a new destination, "if you had any idea what I've flown through."

You wanted to question, but you knew Nikolai never brought up certain events of his past. Though you knew he'd been in the military, you didn't know practically any stories. Not scarring ones at least.

"I trust this is a little easier than that."

He laughed. "Much."

Silence fell over you as Nikolai flew the ride over a small body of water. Situated in a small valley, it was entirely secluded from the rest of the world. In the clear water, you could see shiny fish wiggling around.

A gasp escaped you as Nikolai continued flying over the special land. The hills turned to mountains, staying green as the lake disappeared below. You watched a herd of elk run along through the trees as they startled to the sound of the chopper. Two large eagles flew just above them, eyes pinpointing why you were traveling through their peaceful land.

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