Favela (Ghost)

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You felt as if your heart could burst. It thudded so loudly you were sure others could hear the pulse in your ears.

It will be a simple mission, he'd told you.

There wouldn't be a threat of anything too deadly- nothing that you couldn't handle.


You jumped over a long stretch of old, rusty piping running through the favela. The group of soldiers behind you followed, winded yet still chasing. You ducked underneath a lower, crumpled wall, making sure to clutch a piece of it as you slid through.

As you escaped underneath it, the wall let out a groan and crumbled into pieces. The men were stuck behind the rubble, letting out curses in their language. You slowed only slightly, driving your course more to the left in order to make it to the plains just outside the village.

You slid to a stop when you spotted a humanly figure dressed in darker clothing creeping through the maze of buildings and rubbish. The soldier saw you at the same time, his body freezing into a stance of defensiveness, mask painted with white facing you.

You suddenly realized who the soldier was. Not one who belonged to the gang leader in this large favela, not one of Makarov's soldiers sent to aid you. Oh no. This was another soldier you didn't trust.

"Task Force," you hissed.

There was crashing behind you and you looked over your shoulder to see the shadows of the group original after you chasing once more. You looked between the other enemy soldier and a gap where you could possibly hide.

Deciding against it, you took off towards the masked figure. They held their automatic rifle up yet you pushed on, butting their own weapon into their shoulder harder than shooting it would've. You heard a grunt and then a curse.

"Come back!"

You leapt up the side of a shorter building using boxes, glancing back to see that the American soldier had kept going straight in order to find a way around. The group of favela soldiers, on the other hand, leapt up onto building across from you, shooting their weapons.

Bullets whizzed past your loose hairs of your tied up hair. You jumped across building after building, jumping down levels and aiming for a river in the distance. If you could reach the plains and sprint for it out there, then maybe you could reach the river and escape that way.

Swimming was your strong suit after all.

Your tunnel vision didn't let you notice the dark figure coming at you from the left. As you turned your head to face the incoming force, you went to jump over a shorter gap. The arms of the Task Force soldier wrapped around you, bringing you both out of midair and down a story to the dusty ground.

You let out a scream when your side clenched to the fall, signalling you had broken a rib or two from the uneven ground. The soldier was getting his bearings together, grunting from the heavy fall. You crawled and attacked him, clutching onto his vest to attempt and set off a grenade.

He grasped your hands, you slapped. He pinned your wrists, you kicked his groin.

"Damn you!"

"Let go of me," you hissed, giving up when the British man had a knife to your throat and your hands caught between his inner arm and rib cage. "They're going to kill us both!"

"Why are you here?"

"Let go!" you shouted, trying to spin around but the knife came tighter to your throat.

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