Chapter 30: Will new cubs come?

Start from the beginning

Many sneaked back to silently delete their previous affirmative remarks, then went to compliment this letter, pretending like that they were not a part of what had happened earlier.

"I mean, it was more than a half year since the cub left Ary branch, the fact that he can now fly, how can it possibly have something to do with them?"

The person who sent this message had not long ago agreed with the public opinion, but as soon as things started to turn around, he had folded like a dinner table napkin.

There were many people who took similar actions and because of this, the new public opinion spread very rapidly and before long, the name "Yunbao branch" gradually started appearing in public discussions as they gained more fame.

On the other hand, those who had previously tried to snatch credit now wore an ugly expression.

"I told you not to do these kinds of things, but you still didn't listen." At Ary branch, a staff member frowned at her colleague, both her words and expression were full of dissatisfaction.

Fortunately, their club's official account was not managed by the other and he had only been able to toss around his own private account, otherwise this mess stirred up by the other would have been much bigger.

Hearing his colleague's reprimanding words, Seaver's expression immediately became even more unsightly.

It was completely true that the Kuhti cub had stayed at their club barely half a year ago, it was also true that their caretakers had used their spiritual energy to guide the cub every day. He had not put a single lie in his comment, so how could it be regarded as foul play?

But now that things had turned out like this, he could not confidently refute and could only hold back his words.

Before, Seaver had felt that it would be an easy feat to help his club claim credit for making the Kuhti cub fly. After all, that so-called Yunbao branch was clearly a club without fame or strength.

But who would have thought that just as he was about to succeed, something like this would happen?

When the colleague saw the other's expression, she knew that he did not feel bad about it at all.

The reason the other wanted to seize credit for Ary branch was actually not for the sake of the branch, but because the other was greedy for achievements. The outcome of his reckless actions was this ever growing mess that not he, but Ary branch would need to clean up.

Some had already started to question if Ary branch had knowingly tried to steal credit from Yunbao branch, and obviously, Seaver knew this as well. He was extremely anxious at this time, and could only pray that those doubtful remarks would not increase, otherwise his future would not be sweet.

But luck was not on his side; his attempt to seize credit failed and his prayers did nothing to stop what was coming. More and more inquiring comments appeared on Ary branch's Xingyou page and finally it reached a point where Ary could not ignore it.

Fortunately, it was something their employee did using their personal account, hence it was relatively easy for Ary to dismiss it and gain back their previous image.

"Employees' personal opinions do not represent Ary branch, however we are deeply sorry for the misunderstanding caused by them. The employee's remarks were inappropriate. The club has had a serious conversation with said employee and has punished him accordingly. Henceforth, we will strive to restrain our branch's staff members in order to avoid similar mistakes from occurring."

Actually, it was not that his comment was inappropriate, but that it had contained many implications and was suspected of purposely trying to influence the public opinion.

As soon as the official announcement was made, the attacking and questioning comments stopped. The masses were satisfied with the answer given by Ary branch.

Now that the matter regarding Ary branch could be put aside, all attention was directed towards Yunbao branch and the shovels had been picked up. The search for information had begun.

At this time, someone suddenly got hold of the Yunbao branch promotional video from before and the speed of which it was forwarded rose once again.

"I finally remember, I have heard of Yunbao branch once before... A while back, there was a promotional video for a cub nursing club that had been forwarded by several Star Alliance officers. The name of that club was Yunbao, right? No wonder I felt that the name was a little familiar, I had heard it before!"

Once they saw this promotional video showing the Yunbao branch, everyone immediately remembered it.

At that time, it had also given rise to a lot of surprise and interest, but as the club itself was nothing special and not worth boasting about, people's interest natural faded rather quickly. The fact that the name "Yunbao branch" left a mark of familiarity in their hearts was already very good.

But now that the Yunbao branch had received attention due to the flying competition and this matter had been brought up again, it naturally arouse extra curiosity, far more than the last time.

"I just found out that the club renovated not long ago, apparently they built a new house for the cubs. From looking at the pictures, the environment seems good."

Under this comment, another quickly followed.

"I saw a Muka cub in the picture, I think this club must be very compassionate and loving."

The Muka race's status in the interstellar could best be described as awkward. The Muka cubs were not in the scope of cub raising association's compulsory adoption, so generally speaking, there was no branch in the interstellar who would adopt a Muka cub.

In the photo, everyone could see that the Muka was resting in a specially customized large cub bed. Just from that, it was easy to see the attitude Yunbao branch had towards the Muka cub.

This Cub Raising branch, which had been forwarded by a Star Alliance general, let a Kuhti cub who could not fly— learn and master it, and even voluntarily cared for a Muka cub, was undoubtedly commendable.

Although the living environment provided by the club could be improved, it was passable, and the care and love they showed for the cubs could also be seen as to add points to the club.

Due to this, when the name "Yunbao branch" came into public view for the second time, it officially entered the range of clubs that some parents considerate sending their cubs to.  It had truly begun to stand out amongst the numerous nursing clubs in the interstellar, reaping its first piece of fame.

At this moment, Xia Tao had just returned to Yunbao branch with the four cubs and when he met the others' cheerful expressions, he still had some doubts.

Xie Tao's first reaction was not to be happy or to celebrate, but to want to understand the cause and the effect it would have on the public.

Would they really have new cubs coming soon?

[1] - "It had not been diluted by water", means that it had not been exaggerated.

Translator's note:

I have read through your comments and counted the votes, both on my blog and wattpad. It was super close, but it seems that the cubs' names will be ———Drumroll——— Ravi and Leeds! *\(^o^)/*

I hope you are satisfied with the results, and no, I did not count Mimi's vote 10086 times, only once, but those names still managed to win, haha.

Also, yay! My editor is back, she survived the exams! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

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