Imagine #4 I Do.

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"God. Im nervous." I say fixing up my tie. "Dont be Niall." Greg says helping me with the tie im struggling with. "What if he doesnt show up? What if he isnt in the aisle when i enter the church? What if he changed his mind and-" "Niall!" Greg says cutting me off. "He is going to be there Ni! He loves you and he will never do anything to hurt you." He says making me feel a little better. "Is my hair okay?" I ask him looking at myself in the mirror. "Should i ask Lou to do my hair again? What if he doesnt like the hair style? Should i change it?" I ask worried. "Niall. Again? He is going to love it because he loves you. Dont worry about your hair. He fell in love with you not your looks. C'mon Niall. I know youre nervous. This is the big day. But please relax?" He says. Tears started brimming my eyes. "I know Greg. Its just that Harry and i have been dating for four years now and well what if he gets bored of me? What if he leaves me? I cant live without him." I say tears streaming down my face. My brother wraps his arms around me comfortably and rubs my back soothingly. "Shh Niall everything is going to be fine i promise." He looks at me and wipes my tears off my face. There is a knock on the door. "Can i come in?" My mum asks. "Yes mum go ahead." Greg answers for me afraid my voice would crack. When my mum sees me she quickly wraps her hands around me and kisses my cheek. "Everything is going to be fine baby. Dont cry please unless they are happy tears. Now c'mon the ceremony is about to start." We all enter the limousine and drive to our destination. "Shit. All the guests are here." I say. Nervousness kicks in and i feel nauseous. "Relax baby." My mum says. I wait outside a while to let everyone settle down. I start to hear the music which is my cue to walk in the church. I walk in slowly as everyone stands from their seats. I look up the aisle and see Harry. He looks at me with the brightest smile. I swear it could light up the whole room. As i walk to my destination he extends his hand out and i gladly take it. We stand in front of each other smiling. Telling each other how handsome we look. Then the priest starts talking. I look at Harry and mouth i love you before i could concentrate on what the priest has to say.

(Omfg Narry wedding! Holy shdhdd i had a lot of fun writting this aha. Im so sorry i havent posted in a long time! I just started school and well its horrible. Have a wonderful day/morning/night! If you can also comment and vote please? i will love you forever and ever!)

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