Rainy Days

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I walk alone in the rain as I approach the place. I hear nothing but my footsteps stepping on puddles. I continue strolling down the street and enter the cemetery. I search for his grave until I find it. The same place it has been since he was first buried. I kneel down, replacing the old flowers in his vase with the new ones I bought. It was a dumb idea bringing flowers, due to the fact that it was pouring. That didn't matter to me, though. Nothing mattered to me. I look down to his name, having the letters recently polished. I trace each word with my finger, attempting not to cry. I bite my lip and look up to the sky, remembering the night they killed the only person that meant a lot to me. "God.." I whisper, wiping away the stray tears that fell on my cheeks. I sniffle and lay on the ground. I continue looking up to the sky, feeling the raindrops hit my skin. I slowly close my eyes, and think back to the day everything happened.
I hear him laugh. "Babe," he says in between giggles. "I can't believe you just did that." he continues laughing and attempts to clean ice cream off his face. "You deserved that." I say laughing along with him. He smirks, coming closer and closer to me. "W-What are you doing?" I say, afraid of what he's going to do. He wraps his arms around my waist, pressing his face to mine. "Ugh!" I groan. "Babe." I pout. He laughs and hands me some napkins. He helps me clean ice cream off my face and I help him. He takes my hand in his and I intertwine our fingers. We swing our hands back and forth as we walk out of the ice cream shop. We continue walking down the street, London lights guiding us through the dark. I sigh happily, thinking back to how amazing our date was. Without warning, I start hearing gun shots from a distance. My eyes widen and I look at him. He eyes me worriedly. "Everything is going to be fine." He tells me, but I have a feeling something terrible is about to happen. He continues to reassure me, but I couldn't listen. The gunshots were getting closer and closer.
"Look at me," he says and I oblige. "We're going to run as fast as we can, our flat is a few blocks away. Keep up, alright?" I nod and we begin to run. We run, and we run. Never looking back. I hear a loud bang coming from behind us, and a speeding car moving away from the street we were on. 'We're fine,' I thought. At least that's what I thought. I look back at him and see him frozen in place, eyes wide. "B-Babe?" He opens his mouth, as if to respond, but blood runs from his mouth and down his chin. I gasp and catch him as he collapses on top of me. "No!" I scream. I lay him on the ground gently and call his name. "Please, you can't be doing this right now! Baby, baby please stay with me. Please! I can't be here without you!" I smack him lightly, trying to keep him awake. He tries to speak. "I-I love y-you.." He says. I start to sob. "P-Please!" I continue smacking him softly. People start approaching. "Some one call an ambulance!" I scream. "Please, some one call an ambulance!" I sob. I look down at him. His lips are stained with blood, eyes closed tightly. I kiss his parted lips and hold him close to my chest, sobbing.
I was full on sobbing now. I sit up and pull my knees to my chest, hugging them tightly. I continue to cry. "W-Why did you have to leave me here? I-I can't be here without you. I don't think I'm going to make it without you. P-Please come back. I love you.. Fuck! Why'd you take him from me!? Why?!" I sob harder. I begin to choke, but I didn't care. I needed him here. I needed him to hug me tight. I needed him to tell me everything was going to be okay. I needed him alive and breathing. I wanted him and only him. I stay sitting for a while, until I finally had the courage to stand up and walk back home. I kneel one more time besides his tombstone. I reach inside my jacket and grab hold of a frame. I pull it out, kiss it, and place it besides the vase. I get up from the ground and look at the lettering one more time. I walk away from the graveyard, the letters engraved on his tombstone in the back of my head.
'Harry Edward Styles
Beloved son and husband
Forever in our hearts
"Whoever lives and believes
In me shall never die" -John 11:26
February 1, 1994-December 28, 2015'
A/N; The picture posted is the picture inside the frame. Hope y'all enjoy. Make sure to vote and comment. If one of you want a personal imagine, don't hesitate on asking. Thanks for 4k+ reads. Love everybody .x -M

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