Chapter 18

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I slowly lifted my head up and immediately made eye contact with Hiruko as he stared in shock and awe. "That's impossible there's no way that you could have the Sharingan!" He said, shakily pointing a finger at me, "If there's anything you should know Hiruko it's that nothing is impossible," I said smirking under my mask, I looked at his source and examined his hand trying to figure out a way to stop him. So if I destroy the diamond on his hand he won't be able to absorb anymore jutsu and he'll be defeated. I narrowed my eyes and flashed behind him kicking him in the back making him fall. I continued our dance in taijutsu until he punched me sending me flying into the rock wall causing it to crack.

I know what he's going to do next but I'm still slow trying to catch up and be one step ahead of him. I sat up and looked at him with my Sharingan. I flashed in front of him and punched his gut sending him up in the air, I then flashed behind him kicking him down into the ground, I heard a rumbling sound once he hit the cracked dirt. I activated my Kekkei Genkai and landed on the ground. "It's not possible to have multiple Kekkei Genkai, what are you!?" He asked in fear. "I'm a human being," I said and moved my hand up shooting diamond spikes straight up trying to pierce his body but he moved just in time.

I need a real plan I can't just keep on toying with him. That's when I was kicked in the gut and my back slammed against a rock. I fell on my side and my vision began to grow hazy and black specs formed in the corners of my eyes. I stood up swaying on my feet at first I ended up leaning on the rock for support. "You're going to pay for that," I said under my breath. I looked at him and saw a smirk on his face and I growled. I flashed to his side and made a diamond spike appear in my hand and I tried to pierce his side but he moved out of the way. We danced in taijutsu for a few minutes.

I ended wrapping one of my arms around his neck while I grabbed his wrist and looked at the diamonds in his hand, I was about to put the spike through his hand before I saw him smirk and he disappeared, I stumbled a little bit and heard him chuckle which turned into a demonic laugh, "You're very strong and interesting I should have stolen your ninja arts when I had the chance," he said, then the doors to the building closed and his laugh blew away with the wind. I fell back panting heavily and my Sharingan slowly faded away from my eyes. My vision grew hazy again as I tried to stand up. There was a kunai lodged in my side when we were in our dance of taijutsu.

I pulled it out causing me to take a sharp intake of air through my nostrils. I put my hand to my side and began to heal it. I stood up and looked back at the group as tears began to form in the corners of my eyes. I walked up to them and looked down, "We need a plan," I said. Naruto grinned at me while Sakura and Sai looked at me with determination. "Shikamaru are you going to join us or are you going to fight against us?" I asked sharply, he sighed, then shook his head no. I glared at him, "Either you're with us or not we're going after him," I said angrily. I looked at Naruto as Shikamaru and Naruto began their talking. 

Naruto began to walk but I looked at the rocks seeing something light up I gasped, "Naruto look out!" I yelled,  "Shadow stitching" Shikamaru yelled as a shield surrounded him. I sighed in relief and Naruto took off his cloak I ran up to him and smiled at Shikamaru and we continued to run.  We ran into the castle and saw Hiruko in some weird bubbling form thingy kinda weird if you ask me. "Don't you dare touch either one of them!" Naruto shouted. "You're too late!" Hiruko said laughing like a maniac. "I'll stop you!" Naruto yelled again and was going after him but the blob thingy tore itself apart and shot Naruto up into the roof.

I gasped "Naruto," I caught his falling body and glared at Hiruko. My eyes widened and I gasped, something was going on inside that blob thingy. "Kakashi's going to kill himself to kill Hiruko," I said quietly only loud enough for Naruto to hear. His eyes widened. "Not gonna happen," he said and stood up I stood next to him wondering what he was going to do. He held his hand out to me and I looked and nodded my head. I grabbed his hand, "Multi-shadow clone jutsu!!!" He yelled, I began to form the Rasengan in my hand and so did he, making it extremely powerful. All of his clones also made a Rasengan and we ran towards the blob. "Rasengan!!" We shouted in unison causing a huge hole to form. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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