Chapter 7

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s-sister? What on earth is going on? "Meet me at the Yando bridge on three days," I heard him say then he began to disappear, "Wait who are you?" I yelled, "You'll find out soon enough," he said and completely disappeared from my sight, I sighed in frustration then the scene around me slowly turned back to the scene of the temple, I looked around and saw that it was almost sunset, I gasped grabbed the scrolls and empowered all of my chakra into my feet making me go lightning fast. I was sweating hard and super tired but once I was close enough to the hideout I did handsigns and teleported inside just before night came.

I was out of breath while walking down the hallway. I knocked on his door and I heard a come in. I opened the door and put the scrolls on his desk and walked out. I closed the door it was silent in the hallways and main room mainly because everyone was out on missions but it seemed almost tense. I sighed and walked into my room and took off my robe and ring. I put them in the scroll and walked outside of the Akatsuki entrance. I teleported back to Orochimaru's and walked inside the hideout.

I continued walking down the halls as I heard an unfortunate scream probably another experiment. I sighed I tensed a little in discomfort and continued my way down the hall and went into my room. I closed the door and turned on the light I pulled down my hood and mask and took off my cloak. I put them on my armor stand and stared at it. "I must look like a demon," I said chuckling to myself. I stripped myself of my clothing and took out my braid then I hopped into the shower and washed up quickly then I put on a tank top and some PJ shorts. 

I dried my long, coal black hair then combed it. Once I was done with that, I grabbed my book full of jutsu's and sat down on my bed and opened to the page I was last on. I read for about thirty minutes then put the book on my nightstand and turned off my, lamp and layed down in my bed falling asleep easily.

                                                                         (NEXT DAY)

I woke up with a stretch and a yawn, I sat up for a little bit then rubbed my eyes and hopped out of bed, I went towards the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth then I put my hair in a high ponytail and put on my ninja outfit plus my hood and mask only showing my emerald green eyes. I walked out the door. and down the hall into the kitchen, I pulled out some leafy greens and made a salad I ate quickly and threw my dish away after gulping down some water. I then walk to head outside. I couldn't help but think about that vision it made no sense maybe I should visit that temple again or listen to his instructions.

I sighed and rubbed my throbbing temples, "I don't know what to do," I said allowed, "Huh and I thought you always had the answers," I recognized the voice immediately and looked up seeing Sasuke doing his Uchiha smirk, I had an idea then inwardly chuckled I started running with my arms out in front of me, "Sasuke-kun!!! You came back to me!!!" I squealed as I jumped on him making us fall to the floor. "Aww, Sasuke-kun don't you remember me!?!? It's me Sakura-chan," I fake pouted.

"You're annoying," he said rolling his eyes, I fake gasped then fake cried, "But Sasuke-kun I love you!!!" I continued to fake cry as I continued to mock Sakura, he scoffed while rolling his eyes and I chuckled, "Well did you miss me?" I asked back to my normal self, "Every day," he said and I smiled then kissed his forehead, "Why don't you pull down that mask so I can kiss those soft lips of yours," he said grabbing the top of my mask. I grabbed his hand and smirked, "I bet you couldn't go the whole day without your lips on mine," I said,

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