Chapter 3: Boundless Boundries

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“They replaced me Eli.” I whispered, my throat raw.  “I wasn’t perfect enough so they replaced me.” He is the only person I would show any kind of vulnerability towards.  I trusted him absolutely. 

“Yeah well, they’re idiots.” I laughed at his response.  I was glad he didn’t sugar coat it.  I turned to my side to get more comfortable. I was exhausted emotionally and physically.  If Eli had said anything else, I didn’t know.  I was already asleep.

Chapter 3

My eyes snapped open.  I felt my dilated pupils contract as the room came into focus.  I looked down at my wrist while rubbing my eyes.  My watch there had folded and pressed into my skin where I had slept on it. It was five-thirty in the morning.  I had slept in; not as much as I wanted, but it was still sleeping in.  I realized I was in the same clothes from yesterday and suddenly felt dirty.  The clothes brought unwanted memories from yesterday to the front of my thoughts.  I let out a small moan and forced myself into the bathroom.  Instead of hopping into the shower like I desperately wanted, I threw on a pair of basketball shorts and a light t-shirt.  The cold water on my skin as I brushed my teeth and washed my face was exactly what I needed.  I was very glad we had gotten a room with an attached bathroom.  Callie could have my room; this situation was much better. 

Downstairs, I found Eli in the kitchen sitting on a barstool near the island.  He was dressed in a similar attire as I was.  I was glad he had become familiar with the place fast.  He was drinking a glass of water quietly.  I didn’t bother to greet him, he probably heard me coming down the stairs.  We were both accustomed to waking up at the crack of dawn and attending morning workout with the other students and we had been looking forward to sleeping in until seven and lazing around.  But our biological clocks obviously did not allow for that.  Working out in the mornings had become a part of life for us and if we didn’t, we both knew we would feel lazy all day.  So without another thought or word between us, we laced up our gym shoes and headed outside.  First, we walked around the area to become familiar with it and judged the distance a mile would be from the house.  As we did this, I chugged down a bottle of Gatorade I had snagged from my bag.  Once we had made one lap around back to the house, we ran.  Side by side, like nothing had changed. 

Breathing in, air was brought into my lungs bringing oxygen to my blood and brain.  It expanded my chest before being puffed into oblivion.  Heat coursed through my veins, trying to escape out my pores.  Eli’s breathing increased beside me, his feet keeping in tempo with mine.  We slowed to a stop after a good two miles.  We both collapsed onto the lawn, panting.  We allowed ourselves a minute before turning over into the usual rounds of push-ups, crunches, and other core workouts.

Inside the house we quietly headed up the stairs back to the guest room.  Eli pushed me over so that I lost my balance and stumbled onto the bed, while he went into the shower.  “Jackass.” I mumbled at him.  I heard him laughing a small laugh at me before he turned on the water.  Being the amazing friend I am, I took out clothes for him, and laid them on the bed before taking some out for myself.  Neither of us had much clothing, mostly just jeans and plain t-shirts.  Eli hadn’t lied when he said we spent most of our time in issued uniforms.  Eli couldn’t get a job, but it didn’t matter.  I’d been working since the moment I turned fifteen under a permit.  I hadn’t spent any money that I’d made over the years, so I know I had enough to get both of us anything we needed during our stay.  I didn’t want to have to depend on my parents for anything, especially after everything that happened yesterday. 

When we were both clean and dressed, we went back down the stairs to the kitchen.  It was almost six-thirty yet no one was awake yet.  I was starving especially since I had missed dinner the night before.  That was dangerous, I shouldn’t have done that.  Eli and I wasted no time making ourselves at home.  I grabbed the pancake mix from the cupboard.  Nothing had changed there; my mother was still extremely organized.  Everything was exactly where I remembered it to be, but there were additions that had never been allowed when I lived here.  There was a stash of chocolate bars on the top shelf, poptarts, cheesy popcorn, and fruit juices.  All the junk food was on the highest shelf.  Eli and I would probably be the only ones who could reach it without needing a stepping stool. 

Eli mixed the batter for me and beat the eggs while I added all the ingredients into the mixes.  We made omelets for ourselves, but decided to make more for everyone in the house for when they woke up.  Eli told me how much of each ingredient to add; he had a good sense of portions.  We worked quietly, but efficiently.  Once we had made fifteen buttermilk pancakes, buttered toast, and six omelets, we finally decided we were finished.  I took out juice from the fridge and laid it onto the island with the rest of the food.  Eli didn’t hesitate to fill his plate with pancakes, drenching them syrup.  I shook my head at him and ran upstairs to the guest room.  I pulled out a mini cooler that I had in one of my bags.  I frowned looking at the contents.  I pulled out one of the needles looking at the colorless liquid inside.  I needed this.   I sighed before making my way to the bathroom.  I strapped a stretchy band of material above my left elbow and rubbed my forearm to ensure the pressure would be high enough in my veins for me to feel them.  Then I tapped the needle to get rid of the air bubbles.  I watched as the needle disappeared under my skin and quickly pushed the essence inside.  For a brief second I felt shame for being weak.  I pushed it away.  There was no reason for me to feel ashamed.  This was who I was.  Once it was done, I put the needle in a plastic orange bag and stuffed it in my bag. 

I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw Callie in her pajamas looking half dead as she nibbled on a piece of toast and chatted to Eli who had his signature sunglasses on his face again.  “Good morning.” I greeted her and sat next to her.  She looked at me curiously.  For some reason I thought her little face was adorable.  She didn’t need my disdain as that should solely be reserved for my parents.  We could be friends I decided, closer even.  I knew that it wasn’t her fault that she had replaced me and that she deserved to be given a chance.  I could already feel myself becoming attached to her.  “Do you mind if I talk to you for a second?” She nodded and made a move to get up, but I stopped her smiling.  “I don’t keep anything from Eli.  He’s an idiot, but I trust him.  I just wanted to talk to you before –uh – our parents came down.” She spared Eli a glance before nodding again.  “I didn’t get a chance to speak to you yesterday and for that I apologize.  I’m also really sorry about all of this.”

“It’s not your fault.” She cut me off.  “I can’t believe them.” She scoffed. 

“Tell me about it.” I stated letting some of my annoyance shine through.

“Finally!” She laughed at me.  “I thought you didn’t care! You were Mr. diplomatic last night and acted like nothing was wrong.  I wanted to scream at them, I can’t imagine what I would have done if I was in your shoes.” I grinned at her.  I liked how she was perceptive. 

“No, I wanted to, believe me.  But I decided it wasn’t worth the problems it would bring.  Anyway, I know all of this is a huge change for you, just like it is for me.  But I really hope we can get past it and maybe even be friends.”

“Marta and Jamie have been my parents for a long time.  I owe them everything.  If not for them, I would probably be being bounced from foster family to foster family.  They gave me my life now and I’ll forever be in their debt.  But what they did was inexcusable.  How they pushed you out and failed to ever mention you was just wrong.  I don’t blame you for anything, so I’ll be glad to be your friend.  And yours too Eli.” She smiled at him and then turned back to me.  “But I’m going to need time.  I can’t suddenly become buddy buddy with you because I don’t know you.  You may be my adoptive brother and all, but for all I know you could be a serial killer and Eli your partner in crime.  So I’m asking for time.  I hope you’re okay with that.” 

“Time is fine. Time I can give.  I’m just glad you decided not to hate me.”  I smiled. 

“Woo ho.” Eli whopped sarcastically.  I fought the urge to slap his head.

 Callie laughed at him . “Don’t be so sure.  Yet.  I haven’t decided to hate you yet.” She winked at me and then hopped off her stool and headed upstairs. 

“Dude I like your sister.  Is she hot?”  This time I did slap him.  “Ouch! What was that for?” Eli grumbled rubbing the back of his head. 
“Shut up.  You know very well what that was for you asshole.  And paws off okay?  She’s off limits.” I felt an unprecedented protectiveness scorch my veins. 

“Sure, whatever you say.” Eli gave me a wolfish grin. 

“Eat your breakfast jackass.”


 (A/N Hey everyone! Or whoever is reading this anyway....I know an author's note at the end?!?! How incredibly tedious.  But I want you guys to be picky and tell me if I made any mistakes, gramatical or otherwise.  It makes sense to me, but it might not to any of you. Please and thank you!)

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