Chapter 2: Exodus Arrival

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“You ready?” Eli asked.  It was a very simple question, whose answer avoided my thoughts completely.  Suddenly the thick mahogany door seemed very daunting.  I know my parents weren’t particularly excited to see me back, but would they hug me? Would they even acknowledge me? Steeling myself up, I pressed the doorbell and waited. 

Chapter 2 

When the door opened it was not at all who I expected.  In front of me stood a girl who couldn’t be more than fifteen standing in a buttoned plaid shirt and tight jeans.  She had in ear bud hanging in one ear and her feet were clad in ankle socks.  One of her ankles held a bohemian style anklet on top of her socks.  Her hair was a very light caramel brown, almost blonde.  It lay tucked behind the ear that held the bud, but the rest of it lay in unruly curls around her face and off her shoulders.  She had wide brilliant blue eyes that were looking both Eli and I over.  “I’m sorry, did you need something?” She asked suspiciously as neither Eli nor I had introduced ourselves. 

“You sure you have the right house mate?”

“Uh,” I was dumbfounded as I looked around at the house. “Last I remember, this is my parent’s house.  Unless they moved and didn’t tell me.” I scratched my head in confusion.  Even though they weren’t excited to see me, they wouldn’t do this to me.  They wouldn’t. 

The girl’s featured softened once she realized we weren’t much of a threat.  “Look maybe I can help you.  Who are you looking for?”

“Jamison and Marta Fox.” I stated tonelessly.  I didn’t know what to think. 

The girl’s skin paled slightly.  I wouldn’t even have noticed if I hadn’t been staring directly at her.  “There must be some mistake.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Marta and Jamison Fox are my parents last time I checked.  Not yours.” 

“That’s not possible.” I was starting to get angry.  But before she had a chance to slam the door in our faces, a voice that I would recognize anywhere called out from inside the house. 

“Who’s at the door sweetie?” Without waiting for an answer the owner of the voice came to the door to stand next to the girl.  “What’s this about?”

“Mom?” I whispered my throat raw. 

“Callum?” Recognition lit her eyes for a second.  Sudden guilt tore her expression.  I suddenly connected the dots.  They had replaced me and hadn’t even bothered to mention it to me.  I had to fight the urge to run like a child.  I wanted nothing more than to be alone in that moment to collect my thoughts.  But I couldn’t afford that luxury.  Eli was counting on me and we both needed a place to stay.  I steeled my expression and forcibly tucked my lips into a smile. 

“Hi mom.  Can we come in?”

She glanced at Eli for a second before nodding slightly and opened the door to us. 

“Mom, what’s going on?” The girl asked.  She must be my sister, I realized.  I clenched my teeth discretely at her question. 

“I – uh – I’ll just go get your father.” She glanced at both of us before shaking her head to compose herself.  “Why don’t you two sit down, Callie can you show them to the living room?”

“I remember where it is.” The words came out in a harsh tone and I immediately regretted them.  I didn’t want to display any vulnerability.  I didn’t need to be affected by this.  I didn’t need for it to make me unhappy. 

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