~Chapter twenty~

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Izuku pov

Once we made it up to my room, I settled him down on the bed, he wasn't laying down, I figured he probably won't want to lay down anymore. Instead, we were sitting together on top of the bed.
He's obviously not going to say anything, I'm going to have to make the first move.

"Shoto," He still won't meet my eyes. "Did you really think this wouldn't hurt me? I'm not trying to make you feel bad, that the last thing I want right now. But you've got to tell me, you've got to tell me why," He trembled at this, I can see the glaze in his eyes, "Shoto, I want to know, so I can help you, so you can be happy again, so we can be happy again. I don't want to lose you. I can't. Your the one I'm supposed to grow old with, spend my whole life with.."
He's starting to cry again. It's so sad, to see him cry. It's sad to see anyone cry, but Todoroki, I've never really seen him express any sadness whatsoever up until now. It shatters my heart really.

"I.I'm...Izuku, I'm sorry," He looked up at me for a brief second, then looked back down at his hands.

"Oh no, Shoto, come here" I held out my arms, he quickly got on his knees and crawled up over to me and plopped down, hugging me, all while weeping.

I've been seeing him weep too much lately, and all because of these visions.
The first time I ever saw him weeping was in my visions.

I'm glad I saw this, though. I'm glad that I was able to stop him.

Only just about a week ago, I was sobbing into his chest, now he's sobbing into mine.

"It's okay, it's okay..let it all out now.."


"Shh. It's okay. You can tell me everything."


"And he's eaten?"

"Yes, I took him to the cafeteria."

"Good." Recovery girl kept on typing. "Good job. You don't have to check in with me anymore. Only if it's something important, I don't really need to see him daily. As long as you watch him."

"Okay. Bye." I stood up, grabbing Todoroki's hand as we both walked out of her office.
I eventually did talk things out with him, but after that, we haven't talked much. I can't blame him though, there isn't really much for us to say.

"Do you want to go anywhere?"
"We've got a therapy session later though."
"You're coming?"
"Yeah. I think so."
"Okay then. I want to lay down."
"Okay, let's lay down in bed."

"Do you lay on a certain side of the bed?"
"The right."
"Okay. I'll take the left then."
"I don't have to lay with you, I can lay on the floor."
"No no no, it's okay."

We both got into the bed and snuggled down into the sheets.

"You feel better? Even if just a little bit?"
We aren't facing each other in the bed.
He turned his head towards the bed a little more.
"Okay. So that's the last time you lie to me. Come on Shoto, you can tell me, please tell me."
"I feel like I'm bothering you."
"You know it's not like that."

He hesitated for a second.

"I'm still feeling sad and I don't know why."

"That's okay Sho. That's okay. It's okay not to know why. Not everyone knows everything or understands everything. And that's okay. Because I know it will get better for you, for me, for us."
Now we're waiting in a line to check in for a therapy appointment.

"Do you think when I go in you could come too?"
"I don't really know how any of this works. Maybe if asked for me they might let me come with you."

"Next." The lady at the desk said rather loudly as the person in front of us walked away to take their seat.

"Hello. Last name?"
"Okay." She started to clack away at her  computer.
"I have a question as well."
"Yes?" She asked without looking back up.
"Am I allowed to take another person in the room with me when I'm called up?"
"As long as that's what you want, that's fine. Here." She handed him a sheet, and he signed it promptly.
"Thank you. You two may now take your seats."
"I have been informed on your situation Mr.Todoroki. And I've been informed by your school nurse who this is, what he did and what he is to you." She gestured in my direction.
"Well, let's start. We only have one hour. Have you ever been to any type of counseling before?"
"What kind of things do you generally enjoy?"
"Oh. Well, I like to work."
"What kind of work specifically?"
"Just kind of like school work. It keeps me busy."
"Do you consider yourself smart?"
"Not really."
"Why do you think that?"
"I just think people overestimate me."
"But you've gotten into one of the best schools out there with recommendations."
"That's really only because of my dad."
"I see. Have you ever had problems with your dad? I've been informed about your mother."
Come on...
"No, I haven't."
"You did so well Sho, I'm so proud of you, even if it was hard," I squeezed his hand, it helps him calm down and feel better.
"Are you sure you don't want to go anywhere? Anywhere at all?"
"What about that one coffee shop you like? Your friend works there...Keith, I think his name was. You two have pretty similar personalities, I can see why your friends. Hehe."
"He only works on weekends since he's got high school too."
"Oh..well another time maybe?"
"If you don't wanna go anywhere, how about ordering food? Then we can take it up to my room."
"The food at school is okay. You don't have to waste money buying food for me."
"Nothings a waste if it's for you Sho, but okay. We can go back to my room."

《Weeping in the visions》[TODODEKU]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat