~Chapter twelve~

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Izuku pov

"Now Mina!" Sero screamed.

Mina rushed in before we could get to our feet and grabbed the feather.

"I got it gays!" She yelled out waving the feather.

"Alright nice!" Kaminari said.


"On it!" At that Sero shot out tape from both elbows binding Tsu to the tree she escaped up, and Iida to a nearby one.

Todoroki wrapped his right arm around me. He activated his left so no one could come near us. Oh and Uraraka too. She's still on the ground by our feet.

"SHOOT THEM TAPEFACE!" Kacchan yelled at him.


Mina handed him the feather. I lightly touched Todoroki's arm signaling for him to let go, he did. I activated One for all and leapt at Kacchan knocking him over.


I reached for his hand to grab the feather while he was still shooketh.


He set off explosions from both hands. Oof. The feather was in one of his hands-
So he blew up the feather.

After a second he realized what he'd done.

"Deku.." He started to growl.

"AhHhHh!" I jumped off him as fast as I could.

"GET BACK HERE DEKU!" He yelled at me as he started to get back up. Once he got up he stared to chase after me.

He's surprisingly fast??

"Come on Baku.." Kirishima sighed and started to sprint after him.

"Bakugou!! Stop!!" Kirishima kept running to him.

Bakugou skidded to a halt and whipped around.


Kirishima slammed into Bakugou and wrapped his arms around him, then he hardened himself.


"No, Baku you need to be nicer to Midoriya, you blew up the feather, he didn't do anything."

Bakugou didn't say anything, he just kept struggling.


"That's the whistle.." Uraraka mumbled.


"Momo said she'd blow a whistle when one group won.."

Both Kacchan's group and mine let out loud groans of annoyance. Cacchan tried to break free of Kirishima's arms again In rage, but failed because he's soft for him-

"I can't believe me lost!! We where sooo close..." Uraraka whined.

"Well, I guess there's no point in complaining. Let's go get Tsu and Iida off those trees..."


"The Emosquad has won the scavenger hunt! Now it's time for their prize!" Momo announced.

"Wha?? There was a prize?" Someone asks. "If I had known there was a prize I probably would have tried harder.."

"...The prize is a request from me to make any item you want. Meet me whenever you would like and I'll make what you wish."

"Anyway, our next activity will be the campfire. You'll be sitting in groups of four on the logs."

"How did you guys find a feather nani"
Kaminari asked the group, they just all looked at Tokoyami.

The order of the logs we ended up sitting on was: Me, Todoroki, Uraraka, and Tsu on the first one. Iida, Tokoyami, Shouji, and Sato on the second one. Koda, Momo, Jirou, and Kaminari on the third one. And then Sero, Mina, Kirishima and Kacchan on the last one.

"Alright Sho, you gonna light the fire now?"

I'm expecting him to touch his hand on the wood and it will blaze up.

"Yeah I'm ready," he holds up his pointer finger and it lights up, it looks like a match flame, it's small.

He touches his finger to one of the logs that's underneath all the others, and it lit up in flames.
He lit the bottom one so that it would eventually start to burn the ones above it, and it would last longer.
A bunch of "ooo's" And "ahh's" came from the 3rd and 4th logs direction.

"Alright! Now the weenies!!"

"Okay Mina, one second. Midnight has them." Momo got up and started to walk over to her.

"Okay so guys," She started aloud to the whole group.

"So we are gonna stay up late and sleepover here, so of course we have to play truth or dare!" A few people gasped in surprise and excitement.
Truth or dare is fun as long as we don't have to do anything super extreme but then again it is Mina suggesting we play this so-

A/N from Wiley: yes I used the truth or dare cliche thing™ im

"After we roast weenie's then we can do it and have an awesome time!! What do you guys say?"

I turned over to Todoroki.

"You wanna play that? It's really fun. I'm gonna play."

"Okay. I haven't played it before, but I know the basics of how it works."

"Alright guys! Back with the hot dogs!" Momo shouted, she was caring a few bags of raw hotdogs, buns and some skewers.
She handed everyone one skewer and dropped off one bag of hot dogs at each log for now.
I put mine on my skewer and put it over the fire.
Todoroki hadn't touched his.
Instead he was rolling up one of his pant legs.

"Can I put my leg on you"

"Waa?? Why??"

"Im going to do something cool."

"..Aa, okay.."

He turned a little in my direction and put his left leg on me.
He took a hot dog from the packaging and put it on his leg, and it started to

"Pff!! What?" I giggled to him.
He smiled  a little bit.

"I knew you would like it." He pokes my stomach and I giggled more.

"Hehe, Can I try too?"


I pulled my arm in and repositioned my skewer and set the hot dog on Todoroki's leg.


"Hehe, this is cool."

"Now you have your own private cooker."

"Your also an ac and a heater,"

He just smiled at this.

"Babe!!" We heard Kirishima say, we looked over and he nudged Kacchan.

"Look at Todoroki and Midoriya!! Can you warm up a hot dog with your quirk too??"

He let out a long sigh and held out his hand. Kirishima gasped and put a hot dog on his hand.

Kacchan set off an explosion and blew the hot dog into little bits all throughout the air.
I couldn't really hear what happened after that because of a dying Kirishima and Kaminari but I heard Mina say something along the lines of



Presented and edited by PayDayGo3t uwu
Also thanks for such a high rating on the story?? It's not really mine but I'm very proud uwU-

A/N from Wiley: ha sorry I'm not to good at fight scenes if you would even consider that one at the beginning-

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