~Chapter ten~

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Izuku pov

"When a group has won I will blow a whistle. Alright then! Groups ready? Go on 3..2..1!!"
Momo yelled and all three groups ran into different directions.

"Alright guys. We should go for the easiest things first, and split up to find them then meet up back here. Uraraka, flowers, Tsu, acorn, Todoroki, the edible thing growing, Midoriya, live bug. I'll get the stick since I'm the tallest. Alright go!" He used his burst and dashed off.

Tsu dashed up a tree to look for the acorn, Iida was smart to pick her for that one. Uraraka started to run into a more wide open area.
Todoroki just stood there looking at the ground.


"I'm looking for mushrooms growing, I doubt there any berries near."

"Oh okay. I was wondering something also,"


"You think if we find a rotting log we would find mushrooms and bugs? Then we wouldn't have to separate.." I really don't want to think about being alone in the woods again. I know it won't happen again but the attack when we where at camp still scares me.

"Okay, we just need to hurry, give me your hand so I don't lose you, I know how you get scared when your alone sometimes."
He held or his hand out to me, he showed no sign of embarrassment or anything, it seemed like he was doing something casual.

"Ah..alright. Thank you."

I took ahold of his hand. His hand is bigger than mine, it's warm, it's soft. I wish I could hold it all the time.

He lightly tugs me.

"Come on, let's get going," he says gently.


We start to walk at a rather fast pace, I'm looking in one direction for something while he's looking in the other.

"We should go deeper into the woods there might be something there because it's less touched by people." I suggest.

"Okay." We started to go deeper into the forest.

— Hey this is @PayDayGo3t here, I'm putting this here to see if the story author notices. Don't worry this is a joke. Please continue reading —

In the distance I could see a fallen tree

"Sho!! I see a tree that fell over, let's go check it out!!"


We started to head to the spot where the tree had fallen.

We where almost there when sparks flew close to our heads in one direction, causing us to look to the left, from the right, a kind binging shot out at us, wrapping us up together, leaving us immobile.


"We got them dude!" An unknown voice says.

Kaminari popped out of the bushes and Sero swung down beside him from a tree branch.

"Waa..Kaminari? Sero? That's...that's cheating you can't tie us up!!" I blurted out.

"Momo didn't say not to." He rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, plus Bakubro told us to not let anyone near the fallen tree because it has like, two of the items there." Kaminari said to us.

Shortly after Sero hit the back of his head.

"Bakugou told us not to tell anyone that you idiot!"

"haha oOPs-"

"Sometimes I wonder about you, honestly Kaminari. Well, I guess it doesn't matter now. Their tied up anyway."

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