Quotes by Logan Lerman

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This Chapter I dedicate to all the fans of the movie 'Percy Jackson' or 'the perks of being a wallflower'or 'stuck in love'or 'Noah'And many more..So Logan is a really wonderful actor and he has got these really good Quotes so I'm sharing them with you..Enjoy!

1.We accept the love we think we deserve-Logan Lerman

2.Now I'm wearing this smile I don't believe in,inside I feel like screaming-Logan lerman

3.Its just that I don't want to be somebody's crush.If someone likes me I want them to like the real me not what they think I am.And I don't want them to carry it around inside.I want them to show me that so I can feel it ,too-Logan Lerman

4.I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons.And maybe we won't know most of them-Logan Lerman

5.If people were rain.I was drizzle and she would be a hurricane-Logan Lerman

6.Don't let something that's long gone control you.It's long gone and you have to let go-Logan Lerman

7.R.I.P to the kids who lose their life cause of suicide but don't get any recognition because they aren't pretty or popular-Logan Lerman

8.You can't just sit there and put other peoples lives in front of yours and call that love-Logan Lerman

9.The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive-Logan Lerman

10.The best feeling in the world is when you realize,you don't care anymore-Logan Lerman


A.N I hope you liked these Quotes as much as I do and don't forget to check out my other books!


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