Quotes by John Green

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Okay so John Green is a great author you probably know his novel 'the fault in our stars'And the book is just so inspiring that I had to write down a bunch of his Quotes.

1.I don't know a perfect person.I only know a flawed person that deserves to be loved-John Green

2.Of you don't imagine,then nothing happens at all-John Green

3.It always seemed so ridiculous to me that people wanted to be around someone because they were pretty.Its like choosing your breakfast cereal based on the colour not the taste-John Green

4.Night falls fast.Today is the Past-John Green

5.That's the think about pain,it demands to be felt-John green

6.you can love people so much but you can never love people as much as you can miss them-John Green

7.The world is not a wish granting factory-John Green

8.You are helpful.And you are loved.And you are forgiven and you are not alone-John green

9.I'm on a rollercoaster that only goes up my friend-John Green

10.If people could see me the way I see myself,f they could live in my memories.. would anyone love me?-John Green



A.N I love you guys for reading this!Omg! This means so much me!!And the next chappie...okay I don't know about whom the next chappie will be so you guys will have to wait and see!


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