Quotes by Black Veil Brides 2

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Okay so here is part two of the Quotes by Black Veil Brides! Sit back and enjoy! 

1.Your body makes you sexy,your smile makes you pretty but your personality makes you beautiful-Ashley Purdy

2.Bathe in your riches and friends,I'll stay here with my songbooks and pens-Andy Biersack

3.You don't need anyone in your life but you.Obviously there is comfort in friends and people around you but when life leaves you alone,take off and turn it into something beautiful-Andy Biersack

4.suicide isn't cowardly, i'll tell you what's cowardly.Treating people so bad that they want to end their lives-Ashley Purdy

5.You can be anyone you want to be,just stick up for yourself and hang in there-Jinxx

6.Life gives you enough scars,you don't need to manifacture your own-Andy Biersack

7.If you want to dress like a giraffe and go to school everyday and that makes you happy,then do it-Andy Biersack

8.Don't let your happiness depend on something you might lose-C.C

9.There are times in you life when you have to distance yourselves from the ones you love because you love them-C.C

10.Success and happiness is something no one can steal from you.Make something of yourself make mistakes and learn.Life is beautiful-Christian Coma


Okay so I hope you liked these Quotes and I don't know who's Quotes I'm going to use for my next chappie bit I'll try to make it interesting. 


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