Chapter 11

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One Week Later - Yuna's POV

I hear knocking on my door and I curiously get up and head over. I open the door slightly and I see Orochimaru.

"Yuna, I know your in there." Orochimaru says to me.

"Open the door." Another male says and I recognize it as Yamato.

This is gonna be a pain in the ass.

I open the door and I look at them. "What the bloody hell are you two doing here? Last I checked, this is my own area and it rejects anything evil." I say and Orochimaru chuckles.

"No, no Yuna, you misinterpret my intentions, I'm no longer evil." Orochimaru says to me and I raise an eyebrow. "Your cut your hair." Orochimaru says to me surprised.

"Like I say to everyone, it was time for a change and I like having shoulder length hair, its less time consuming." I say and Orochimaru pouts slightly.

"Stop being so mean, I didn't raise you this way." Orochimaru says to me and Yamato looks at me.

I sigh. "I was about to make lunch, anything in particular?" I ask as I walk to the kitchen while tying my apron on around my waist and leaving the door open for them.

"You can make whatever." Orochimaru says to me amused.

I look at Yamato and he shrugs and I nod.

I make Tonkatso for the three of us and I serve it.

"You should come back with me Yuna, I've missed your cooking and I'm not doing experiments anymore." Orochimaru says to me after he's finished a mouthful of food.

"No, like I said to Kakashi who said I should come to the Leaf, I like it here, its peaceful, I'm also an adult with free will and I'm not stuck somewhere cold and dark all the time." I say and Orochimaru chuckles.

"If you saw the new base you'd like it a lot, its nothing like the old one I left you in charge of." Orochimaru says to me.

"Is Kabuto there?" I ask calmly as I slowly lose my appetite.

"Yes, he is." Orochimaru says to me with a smile.

"Then no, he makes everywhere so much darker." I say to Orochimaru.

"He's not that bad anymore, I mean, look how much I've changed, he's changed a lot too." Orochimaru says to me with a smile.

I study Orochimaru for a moment and I sigh. "For the love of Kami, your like a parent who doesn't know the meaning of being told no by their kids." I say after a minute and Yamato looks between us. "You better not get me into trouble, the last thing I need is that." I say and Orochimaru beams brightly as we finish eating. "Fine, if you want me to visit, I will, but there is absolutely no way in hell, that I'm moving in." I say and Orochimaru nods with a smile.

"I can accept that. My darling daughter is coming with me again." Orochimaru says day dreaming and I look at Yamato.

"If anything happens to me in there, your to report to Kakashi immediately." I say and Yamato nods.

I leave the two in the living room and I head to my bedroom where I change into a light green long sleeve shirt with my white leggings and I put on my black ninja sandals and my black leather fingerless gloves.

I grab my bag and I follow Orochimaru with Yamato in the shadows.

We get to a base area and Orochimaru leads me inside and its not all that bad.

"Lord Orochimaru, you've returned." The sickening voice of Kabuto says to him and he sees me. "Yuna." He says to me slightly shocked I'm here.

"My children, be nice." Orochimaru says to us with a smile and I watch the two carefully. "Yuna, what's with the distrust?" Orochiamru asks me.

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