Chapter 2

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4 Years Later - Yuna's POV

I aim a kick at Kimimaros head, but he blocks with his forearm and pushes me back and I flip and dodge his attack from behind and he smirks as we both land.

"Awesome!" I say with a smile as I high five him.

"Yuna, Kimimaro." Orochimaru says at the door and I turn around with my leg crossing behind the other and my hands behind my back as Kimimaro stands next to me.

"Lord Orochimaru." We say in unison and we see a boy my age with silver gray hair with glasses.

My eyes narrow at the boy for a moment before I look back at Orochimaru. "Who's the kid?" I ask.

Orochimaru chuckles with a smirk. "His name is Kabuto Yakushi, he will be my aid in experiments." Orochimaru says to us and Kimimaros eyes narrow.

My eyes flicker between Orochimaru and Kabuto for a moment. "Your kidding right? He looks weak, he looks like he couldn't even kill a fly, or an ant for that matter." I say to Orochimaru.

"Hey!" Kabuto snaps at me and I look at him.

"What? You want to fight?" I ask him.

"Go ahead you two." Orochimaru says with a smirk and Kimimaro and him step off to the side.

Kabuto scowls at me while I just stare at him and then he lunges at me with a kunai, I grab his fist and I twist him into the ground with his arms behind his back and I'm sitting on him, holding his wrists with one hand and I'm holding his kunai to his neck.

"Something tells me, that your never gonna be the fighting type." I say to Kabuto.

"He's a medical ninja." Orochimaru says to me.

"Makes sense for someone so frail at 13." I say and I get up off him, throwing his kunai into the ground next to him and I untie my hair and I run a hand through it as Kabuto gets up, scowling at me.

"Yuna Lin, you and Kimimaro will be in charge of this base when me and Kabuto move around." Orochimaru says to me and I look at him.

"Yes Lord Orochimaru." We say to him.

"I'm gonna go make lunch, Kimimaro, you coming? Or are you gonna stay with Lord Orochimaru?" I ask him.

"I'm coming." Kimimaro says to me and I nod.

We head to the kitchen and I make Chicken Alfredo and Kimimaro smirks.

"Your good." Kimimaro says to me.

"How so?" I ask as I serve the two of us.

"Your cooking, I wait for it everyday because its so good." Kimimaro says to me as I sit next to him.

"Ha, that's just because you suck at cooking." I say to him with a smirk and we start eating when Orochimaru walks in with Kabuto and my eyes narrow at the boy.

"And this is the kitchen, Yuna makes the food around here and she's by far the best cook in the base." Orochimaru says to him with a smirk.

I lick my lips as I set my spoon down. "Lord Orochimaru, there is Chicken Alfredo on the stove, I just made it." I say to him and he nods with a smirk. "Kid, I suggest you eat, the hallways are extensive and you'll lose calories quickly, you need the food as well." I say and Kimimaro nods in agreement.

"I don't need you to tell me what to do." Kabuto says to me annoyed and Orochimaru smirks as my eye twitches.

"Look kid, your in my Kitchen, you were in my training grounds, this base is long and I'm not in the mood to deal with brats. You may act cocky, but remember who just kicked your ass with out much effort." I say to him and Kimimaro pats my head.

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