Chapter 14

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Yuna's POV

"I don't want to hurt you." He says to me.

"Then what do you want with me?" I ask him as I move the bangs from my face.

"I want you to join me." He says to me.

"And why would I do that?" I ask him.

"I can promise you freedom and no one will ever be able to hurt you again." He says to me.

"Again, why would I join you? Getting hurt is part of life. At least, that's what I've read." I say to him and he looks shocked that I wouldn't accept.

"I can take you to your kind." He says to me and I roll my eyes.

"What kind? The awesome damned kind?" I ask him and he looks at me pitying eyes and I tch in annoyance.

I do a few hand signs and I summon Manda.

"Do what you please with him, he looked at me wrong." I say and the guy looks at me shocked while Manda hisses.

"Now that's my favorite servant." Manda says to me.

"I just wanted to take you back to your family." The guy says to me.

"Your suspicious." I say as I pet Manda between the eyes and he enjoys it.

"If you think your gonna touch my servant your wrong." Manda hisses to him and I smile.

"Jeez, it was wrong to get her without something valuable in her opinion." He mutters.

I send a cold glare down at him and he shivers as he looks at me and Manda. "You can't trick me, I'm not as stupid as people think." I say coldly to him.

"One minute she's curious, the next she's warm and then she's cold. So confusing." The guy says, starting to worry for himself.

"Boy, what is taking so long?" A familiar voice says walking towards us.

I look over slightly shocked. "Old Man?" I ask and he looks up at me.

"Yuna, its good to see you again, I didn't know the boy was going after you, I would have told him it was impossible." Old Man says to me with a chuckle.

"Servant, who is he?" Manda asks me and I smile as I pet him between the eyes.

"No, he saved my life, his name is Gary. Old Man, this is Manda." I say to them and Old Man nods.

"You can summon snakes then." Old Man says to me amused.

"Yeah, Manda loves me more than he does Orochimaru or Kabuto." I say to him as I smile.

"I have an idea, You two should have a battle." Old Man says to me and the guy.

"Old Man, I'd kill her." The guy says to him with a deadpan while I just smile amused.

"Manda, want to watch?" I ask him.

"I'd like to see where your skill is at, his chakra is fairly strong." Manda says to me and I nod.

I jump down and I land on my feet in front of Old Man. "I'll fight, I've got too much chakra that I haven't worked out in a while." I say with a smile.

"I don't know if she's strong or just stupid." The guy mutters.

I turn around and point at him. "You, name, now." I say to him in a stern tone and he looks at me unamused.

"Its only polite to give your name when asking for anothers." He says to me and Manda hisses amused.

"Well fuck you bastard, you already heard my name from The Old Man." I say to him.

His Prisioner (Naruto Fan-Fic) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu