His jaw clenched defining his cheek bones and then he released it raising one of his sharp dark eyebrows. He had a dark scowl on his face which I didn't like, so I decided to try and fix it.

I slowly brought my fingers up to his face, and before I knew it, I was pulling up the sides of his lips with my fingers to make him smile. I smiled at him but he looked at me unimpressed so I let go and sat there with a pout.. completely giving up.

I might as well give up on life if I can't make him smile. Frowning-frowning is like- is like illegal. Or it should be. We-oo We-oo I'm calling the police!

He put his hands on my waist and under the hoodie slowly rising it up as well as the hem of my shirt. His cold fingers grazed my bare stomach giving me shivers making him smirk. He pulled the hoodie off my head and flung it behind him somewhere carelessly. I tugged down my shirt that slightly lifted up and gave him a pout.

"Ethan!" I said looking over his tall torso and the couch to see the hoodie on the floor by the front door. "I-I have to give that back." I said pouting and slouching back in his lap. He suddenly quickly pulled me very close to him to the point where I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

I gulped being this close to him, a paper could maybe fit between the space of our noses. He moved his face by my neck while I simply held my breath, not knowing what to say or do. He moved my hair to my back and gently bit my ear before speaking.

"He knew exactly what he was doing.. la tua piccola ragazza no questo. Lo renderò molto chiaro abbastanza presto." He whispered making me shiver from his hot breath hitting my ear and neck.
(Translation> you're my little girl. Not his. I will make that very clear soon enough.)

I couldn't help but blush, and at the same time be a little confused. He says that a lot. I'm his.. I don't exactly know what it means completely. Like I'm his-best friend!

*Mentaly Gasps* We should get friendship bracelets!

"Y-You call me yours a lot." I said quietly earning a nod from him. I tilted my head pouting that I didn't get an answer as to why. "W-what does it mean?" I asked looking into his eyes that are now slowly going back to his pretty greens, browns, and golds.

He bit his lip looking like he was trying to find the right words to say in a way I could understand. I watched him bite his lip like he was hungry.. that reminds me- those cookies were good. I never got to finish my cookies..

"Listen sweetheart. You're fragile, you're naive, sometimes oblivious, but you're mine. By that I mean I will protect you. Always. No discussion about it." He said every word slowly and with as much emphasis as possible, so I could understand what they all meant put together.

"S-since I'm yours.." I stopped to think of what to say. I was putting all the words in my head even though they were as simple as possible-just not easy to ask. "are you m-mine?" I asked quietly.

His beautiful eyes went dark and he tensed up. I noticed an emotion wash over him that I couldn't quite identify. He sighed and opened his mouth but was cut short.

Suddenly Mr. Dolan walked in and he looked as tired as ever. He motioned for Ethan to follow him as he yawned and kissed Lisa on the head. I watched Lisa's entire body brighten as she kissed him on the cheek.

"Sorry princess I have another meeting, I'll be back." He whispered in my ear picking me up, and setting me on the couch. I watched as he walked away with his hands in his pockets looking like he was walking to the gates of H E double hockey sticks.

My eyes started to close but opened widely when I sneezed. A quiet 'bless you' from Lisa made me smile and I let my eyes close and I cuddled one of the fluffy pillows. I couldn't help but feel bad about how Ethan has felt when I asked him that question. I shouldn't of asked. He probably sees me as a sister or something that he needs to protect from bullies.

Greaser ☾Ethan Dolan Where stories live. Discover now