Chapter Fourteen

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Aria's P.O.V

Our weekend away had went well but now we were all back home. Now I was apartment hunting, needing one more now since Silver has decided that she is going to move back here after going back to Hong Kong for a month, Brandon offering her to move in with him which I found really sweet. So I needed somewhere quick so they could get their privacy and well Hunter and I needed our privacy too. Hunter was with me as I tried finding somewhere cause he was looking for somewhere too.

"I think this place is very you baby." Hunter said as we looked around

It was a two bedroom, it was a great size, close to work which was always a good thing.

"I am thinking that myself. Though it is a little out of my price range." I said sadly

I loved the place but I was not sure if I could afford it myself every month, then that is when an idea came to mind. I hope it was not too soon.

"Hunter how about we both take this place?" I said turning to him nervously

Yes we have been staying together for some time but that was Brandon's apartment, our actual own apartment that is different. I was not sure if it would be too soon or not. It made sense though, we were both looking for would save us money too.

"You want us to move in together officially?" he asked

"Yes. If it is too soon I get it Hunter, would understand. I know we have stayed together for a while but that was different cause it was Brandon's apartment." I said

"It aint too soon I would love that just you and I in our own little love nest. It sounds perfect." He said smiling widely

I jumped up and down a little, excited before jumping at him and hugging him tightly.

"Yeah! This is gonna be fun." I said pulling away

Hunter chuckled, reaching in to kiss me before we had another look around, deciding it really was perfect for the both of us. I was excited to be moving in with him and being able to do as we please without worrying about anything. As we looked around we made some plans, what room would be we would decorate etc....hoping we would get it.

"We will take it if there is no other offers to fight against?" Hunter said to the estate agent

"Nope there was another couple but they pulled out. The apartment is yours if you want it. We? I am guessing you won't be moving in alone after all Aria?" she smiled

Denise has been my estate agent since I started looking for somewhere, she knew me well

"It would seem that way." I smiled resting my head on Hunter's shoulder

"Well the place is yours. I will get all the paper work sorted, speak to the landlord. And the place should be yours within the next couple of weeks." She smiled

"Thank you, that is great. Thank you for all your help and patience I know how picky I can be." I laughed

"It was a pleasure. I will be on contact by tomorrow." She smiled

We said our goodbyes, heading our separate ways. Hunter and I did plan on going home, instead we decided to hit the shops and have a look around, see what catches our eyes for our new apartment...our new apartment that makes me smile. As we looked around we were bickering like a married couple as we tried finding what we wanted for the new place...we did eventually agree.

"How about I treat you lunch baby?" he smiled

"Yes please, I have not ate today." I pouted

Hunter shook his head at me, he hated when I done that, not eat but I don't mean to I just get so busy I forget but I think when we move in together he will make sure I don't forget. What can I say my man likes to look after me. He placed his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him as we found somewhere to eat.

"Aria?" I heard a male voice say from behind me

Who the heck was that? I turned around to be met Joe, a guy I was casually seeing over a year ago. It was not serious, but he felt a little more than what I did. I was looking for some fun, he was looking for something serious.

"Hey Joe, long time no see. How is things?" I smiled

"Yes it has been a while. I am good thanks, you?" he smiled back

I felt Hunter's grip tighten on me as Joe and I spoke back and forth

"And who is this?" Joe asked looking at Hunter and not in a nice way

"I am her boyfriend, who the heck are you?" Hunter hissed at him

"We were seeing each other. Boyfriend? Since when the heck do you do boyfriends Aria?" he said looking at me, a look of annoyance on his face

Really? It has been over a year since the last time anything happened between us and he is acting like some jealous ex.

"Since she met me, not like it is any of your business mate." Hunter hissed

"I wasn't talking to you." Joe hissed back

Seriously? They are arguing about me? Why? Joe and I are long done...Hunter and I are together, why can't they just leave it at that? I could see Hunter was getting really pissed at him and decided I should probably pull him away before he does something stupid.

"I don't care. I don't like the tone you are taking with my girlfriend, have some damn respect." Hunter hissed

The two of them seeing to get closer to each other. Yes think it is the right time for us to leave.

"Get your dicks back in guys. It was good seeing Joe, hope you find what you are looking for. Hunter let's go." I said tugging at his arm

They stared each other down for another moment before Hunter did finally listen to me. Joe disappeared down the street. I could hear Hunter's breathing was louder. He was mad...Joe had pissed him off. I stopped us in the middle of the street, standing in front of him

"Would you calm down?" I said sternly

"Who even was that jackass? Sorry I never appreciated the way he was speaking to you." He said annoyed

"It was just some guy I had a casual fling with like over a year ago. I wanted sex...he wanted more so it ended." I shrugged "Why? Jealous?" I added with a smirk

Hunter grabbed my hips, pulling me flush against his chest

"Yes I am, you are mine and I don't like other men wanting you." He hissed

I found it sexy when he got all protective and a little possessive over me. I snaked my arms around his neck, pushing myself against him

"I don't care what other men want me, I don't want them. I only want you baby." I purred at him running my fingers down his chest

I hear him swallowing hard, licking his lips. I was getting to him, that was the plan though cause I knew it would take his mind of Joe.

"Make sure it stays that way cause I will kick any guys ass that tries to take you from me Aria." He said

"I know you would but don't worry I am all yours." I said pressing my lips against his in a heated kiss

Hunter let his hands trail down my back, landing on my ass and holding me against him. I moaned into his lips, both pulling apart when we needed to catch our breaths.

"You may need to prove to me later that you are all mine." he growled at me

"I plan on it baby. Now can we eat?" I giggled

"Of course we can my love, let's go." He smiled taking my hand in his again

Any thought of Joe was out of his head, the jealousy gone which was what I wanted. It would be quick lunch then back home cause we have a few hours to ourselves, Silver and Brandon away for the day which meant we could get some alone time. I cannot wait until we move into our own place.  

Love and Seduction (Sequel to Games of seduction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon