Chapter Six

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Hunter's P.O.V

As the three of us sat down having breakfast, I sat with my arm around Aria's shoulder, her hand on my knee and it never felt as strange to be this way around Brandon as it first did but I know I will still watch what I am doing, not wanting to make Brandon feel awkward.

"What is your plans for the rest of the day bro?" Aria asked

"Gonna sleep for a few hours then go catch up with some other friends, you coming Hunter?" he asked me

I know Aria and I had made plans for tonight but how do I tell Brandon that sort of plans we made? I looked at Aria and she smiled, nodding her head

"You guys should go have fun, it has been six months since you have had a guy night out together." She said

"You sure sweetheart?" I asked

"Yes of course, we can rearrange our plans for tomorrow." She said "I will see what Katie and Callum is doing." She added

As much as I was looking forward to Aria and I's times alone later tonight she had a point it has been so long since we all went out for a guy's night, I would make it up to her tomorrow.

"If you two have plans we can do it another night." Brandon said

"What no it is fine bro, I have been stuck with him for the last six months." Aria chuckled

"Hey!" I said pulling a sad face at her and pouting, Brandon sitting laughing at the both of us

Aria reached in, pecking my lips sweetly and quickly, my pout soon turning into a smile. I can never stay mad at her for too long these days. I pulled her in closer to me and she rested her head on my shoulder. I see Brandon roll his eyes before letting out a chuckle.

"How about we all meet at the club later? We can go have a guy's night, you can do your thing and then we can all meet at the club, it has been a while since we were all out together." Brandon said

We decided that would be the plan, well if Aria's friends were not busy, if so Brandon said Aria can come out on the guys night but she told him no, not wanting to be stuck with all of us guys. It would be good to see everyone together after six months.

"How do you think mum and your parents will feel about you two?" Brandon asked

I know my mum will be over the moon, she always knew I had feelings for Aria, she knew before I did to be honest and even to this day she is always saying you not asked Aria out yet? We have not told them yet, wanted to wait to see how things went once Brandon had come back and then we planned on telling them. The three of us are going to visit them in a few weeks anyway, we will tell them...tell them all together and see how that goes.

"My mum will be all for it, she has always been secretly rooting for Aria and dad, well you know him he is a man of few words." I laughed

I knew my dad would be fine with it too, he doesn't really say much when it comes to my personal life, he always says I am a grown man and I don't need his permission or acceptance, not in bad is his way of telling me he loves me.

"I don't know how mum will react, what do you think?" Aria asked looking at Brandon

"I think she will be glad to see you actually dating again." he smiled

Aria nodded in agreement, it has been a while since she has actually been in a relationship with someone. I know she will start talking about weddings and babies even though it has only been a couple of months, that is just the way Aria and Brandon's mum is, she is one of the sweetest woman you will ever meet though, just gets a little ahead of herself.

"She will have you two engaged, married and pregnant with in a year." Brandon laughed

"Yes knowing mum probably." Aria laughed

And she will get all that from day, just not all within one year. Aria and I will take our time with all that. The three of us changed the subject after, all knowing it was too soon to even be talking about all that.

"Well you two I am gonna love you and leave, my bed is calling my name. You two kids have fun, doing whatever it is your do. Breakfast is on me. See you both when you come back." Brandon smiled, giving us both a hug, leaving the money down for breakfast

"See you in a few bro." I smiled, Aria nodding

Brandon soon headed off, leaving Aria and I alone for the first time this morning. I turned around to say something to her, soon getting cut off when her lips fell over mine and kissing me passionately. I moaned into her lips, kissing her back and snaking my hands around the waist, pulling her in a little closer to me...her hands sneaking around my neck. We pulled apart after a few minutes, our lips still close. She rested her forehead against mine, I opened my eyes to be met with her smiling at me

"What was that for, not like I mind?" I asked

"Well I haven't exactly had a kiss from you this morning have I?" she giggled

"That is very true. Baby are you sure about tonight? I know how we were gonna book in somewhere for the night?" I said

"Of course, you have not seen each other in months, I don't mind." She said stroking my cheek "Plus we can sneak back home before Brandon and have some fun, leave the hotel for another night." She added smirking at me

"Mmm sounds good baby." I said, reaching in and stealing another kiss from her

We pulled apart, not wanting to put anyone off their breakfast with our PDA. I stroked her hair

"I love you." I said

I had not told her that today which is not good enough in my opinion, I tend to tell her many times a day, half the time she rolled her eyes and laughs at me but she likes when I do it and always says it back in the end

"I love you too. What you wanna do for the rest of the morning?" she asked

"Whatever you want my love, anything you fancy?" I asked

"We can go to the aquarium." She said like an excited child

It was one of her favorite places to go in the city.

"Come on then." I chuckled

I stood to my feet, reaching my hand out for her which she happily took. We paid the bill, heading out and deciding just to walk it was a nice morning. I linked our fingers together, Aria looking at me with the sweetest smile on her lips. I honestly never thought it was possible to be this crazy about someone. I lifted her hand to my lips and kissing her knuckles and she reached in, resting her head on my shoulder. I could be doing nothing with her and still enjoy myself, it was the way she was...the way she made everyone feel around her.



Good evening everyone, 

How are we all? Good, hopefully? 

Anyway Hope you enjoyed. 


Love and Seduction (Sequel to Games of seduction)Where stories live. Discover now