Chapter Two

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Hunter's P.O.V

The closer Aria and I got to the airport the more I sensed how nervous she was to see Brandon. I don't know why she is the one worrying so much, she is his sister he aint exactly gonna turn on her but me? I am only a friend, if he wants to kill me he could.

"Aria baby calm will be fine...we will be fine." I said reaching over, placing my hand on her knee

"I know but can't help but be nervous. I don't think any of us imagined this was gonna and I. I am just started getting used to the idea, so can only imagine how Brandon is feeling about it. I know he is OK with it but it may not be that easy when he actually sees us together, you know?" she said

I knew where she was coming from. Both her And I have only began to get used to it. I am hoping it will all be alright.

"I know what you mean. We just need to give him some time, behave ourselves around him." I said

Aria smiled, nodding her head before turning back to staring out of the window. We were soon pulling up at the airport, paying and parking the car. The two of us sat there, neither of us seeming like we wanted to move.

"We should probably head in, the sooner we get this over with the better. Hopefully after today thing won't feel this awkward for any of us." I said

"Yes we really should. You ready for this?" Aria asked me

"As ready as I can be baby. We got this." I smiled trying to reassure her, even though I knew she could see right through me

I reached over, kissing her softly...hoping that would relax the both of us, plus we won't exactly being doing much kissing and touching with Brandon being around, don't even know how he is gonna be about Aria and I sharing a room...even if he wanted us too and if he doesn't then we need to respect that cause it is his house, just means Aria or I will need to get an apartment sooner rather than later.

Aria kissed me back, melting against my lips, wrapping her arms around my neck and deepening the kiss...making my stomach tighten, the first sign telling me it was time to pull away before the rest of my body weakens to her. Once we pulled away

"Let's go." She said taking a deep breath

I turned the engine off, climbing out and running around to the passenger's side, opening the door for her and helping her out. I closed the door, taking her hand in mine, gripping it tightly

"It will be alright." I said, lifting her hand to my lips and kissing her knuckles

Aria nodded, gripping my hand as tightly as I was gripping hers. We made our way into the airport, waiting for Brandon. His flight landed ten minutes ago, so he shouldn't be too long. Aria rested her head on my shoulder and I reached down, kissing the top of her head, making her smile up at me.

"I love you." I said smiling, stroking her cheek

"I love you too baby." She said reaching in and pecking my lips

The two of us waited nervously, looking around for Brandon. Soon enough he was approaching us...Aria and I dropping each other's hands at the same, putting a distance between us.

"Really guys? You are both grown up, stop acting like a pair of love sick teenagers who are secretly having a relationship." He laughed

"Sorry, just a little strange." I said rubbing the back of my neck

"You think?" he laughed "But we all need to get used to it." he added

"I missed you bro." Aria said pulling him in and hugging him tightly, so tightly he seemed like he was struggling to breathe

"I missed you too lil sis...but please losing your grip on me before you kill me." he chuckled

"Sorry." Aria giggled, pulling away

"It is good to have you back mate." I said

"It is good to be back mate." Brandon said, pulling me into him for a "man hug"

After hugs were give, I helped him with his cases, the three of heading back to the car.

"How was it? Not meet anyone special?" Aria asked him

"It was good, glad to be home. Yes I did actually but sadly she needs to stay there. She is originally from Canada but moved there last year." Brandon said, seeming a little saddens that they can't be together

I could tell by looking at him he was smitten with her which made me feel bad for him since they can't be together.

"Really mate? So what is gonna happen?" I asked

"I don't know. We aint really called things off or anything so gonna see how the long distance thing goes...she is gonna be here in the US in a few weeks for a week, so see how that goes." He smiled

Aria and I asked about her, Brandon happily gushing about her. She seemed to make him happy, hopefully they can make the long distance thing work. We got him to speak to us about his business trip and anything else...the both of us trying to distract him from Aria and I in a way I think. We got his bags into the car, Aria climbing into the back, letting Brandon ride shot gun with me. A silence filled the car for a bit, quite an awkward one, well in my opinion anyway.

"How are things going between you both? I hope you are looking after my sister Hunter." Brandon said, could see him looking at me out the corner of my eye as he said it

Yes Brandon I am looking after her well, in many way. I don't think he would appreciate me saying that somehow. I wouldn't say that anyway, that would be wrong and disrespectful. I looked in my mirror, looking at Aria who was looking in my direction, smiling sweetly at me which I returned

"Really good actually. I am trying my best to look after her...promise." I said

"Is that true?" Brandon asked, turning around to look at Aria

"Yes it is. He has been looking after me and treating me well...did you know your best mate was secretly a hopeless romantic?" Aria said, giggling at the last part

"Good, he knows better cause if he isn't he will have me to deal with. Hunter romantic? Yeah right, I don't believe that." Brandon laughed

"He really is." Aria gushed

Brandon spent the rest of the car ride asking question about Aria and I...making sure I knew what would happen if I break Aria's heart. I never minded him asking...warning me cause I knew how protective he was over her. I would be the same with my little sister. Brandon seemed more alright with it than I thought...Aria and I seemed more nervous about it than him. I knew there was still a few things we would need to discuss about sleeping arrangement and what not but would leave that to later cause he would be tired. After that another silence filled the car, a comfortable one this time. I stole a glance at Aria in the mirror, winking at her and smiling, making her giggle and blush.

Brandon looked from me, then over at Aria

"Hold up...are you like in love now? I know you are together and Hunter said he was falling hard when he called me to speak about it but is it more than that now?" He asked

I watched as Aria's cheeks flush bright red, hiding her face. I guess it was down to me to answer that

"Yes very much so actually. I told you, I was crazy about her." I smiled

"Whoa! This is more serious than I first thought. Maybe knowing that will make this a little less awkward." He said

Aria and I nodded, hoping that was the case. I would say the first time the three of us being together since Aria and I got together went better than I thought, hopefully it will stay that way.


Hello, hope you are all well, 

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