Chapter 32

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"Rachel's jet crashed on her way back

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"Rachel's jet crashed on her way back."

Zack's words kept echoing in my head throughout the whole ride from Noah's office to Rachel's office.

Noah was sprinting the car, breaking all traffic rules and in almost fifteen minutes, we were entering the gates Watson Enterprises.

Without even waiting for the car to stop completely, I rushed out of it and went straight towards the elevator.

Reaching the 18th floor, I dashed into Zack's office, not bothering to knock.

There were already two men inside with Zack. Finding Zack's eyes, I asked him,"How did it all happened?"

I heard some voice behind me of Noah entering the room.

"Approximately 50 minutes after the take off, the jet was said to have some technical issues and the pilot had to do an emergency landing. The plane crashed before landing. So most probably Ms Watson should be somewhere in Atlantic ocean, if she's still alive.", one of the two men answered.

"What the fuck do you mean by still alive? Rachel has one of the best security teams in the whole god damn world. Then how can her men be so careless?"

"But sir..", one man started.

"I don't fucking care! Just find her. I want her alive back in New York and I don't care how you'll do it. Get all the men on work. Send people all over Atlantic ocean. Get men from West Corporations. Just get my Rachel back.", I said banging the table.

Both men nodded in fear and left.

Noah put a hand on my shoulder.
"Calm down man. Shouting at others won't help."

All the men, technicians and rescue members of mine, Rachel's and Noah's company were put in action. The press also got information about it.

Thousands of news reporters were outside the gates of the company. Ministers and businessmen were contacting us for getting information and offering help. Some of the government ships and planes were also sent in Atlantic ocean to search for the owner of USA's multi-millionaire company.

I was looking through the same information about the crash for the fifth time, hoping to get a clue of Rachel's location when I heard my name.

Turning around, I saw a sobbing Aishley standing at the door. I opened my arms for her and she came running in them.

She cried uncontrollably in my chest, wetting my shirt while I kept running my fingers through my little sister's hair.

Finally she composed herself a little and looked up,"F-find her, Aar-on! Pl-please."

"I will, princess! I will.", I said with resoluteness in my voice and tears in my eyes.

It was now 1 in the morning and almost five hours have passed since the crash and we've got no lead. My patience was running out very quickly.

"Have you got something new?", I asked a officer in charge.

"I'm sorry sir, but no.", he said with his head hung low.

"GOD DAMN IT! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING? GET OUT OFF MY FACE BEFORE I FIRE YOU.", I said while swiping my hand over the table that made everything fall on the ground.

He rushed out of the room as quickly as he could.

"Aaron, you've to get yourself together. Nobody is at fault. It was just an accident.", Zack said.

"Maybe it's not an accident.", Aishley said hesitantly.

Our heads snapped towards her. She was standing in a corner.

"What do you mean?", I said. A crease formed above my forhead that showed anger and stress lines. This crease dug deeper hearing Aishley's next words.

"Look, I'm not sure. But I think this crash was planned. I think Kelley did this."

My eyes widened in shock and I heard Noah speak,"Why would you say that?"

"The day we all had dinner, that day Kelley threatened Rachel. She said if Rach didn't stay away from Aaron, she'll come after her."

"Why don't I know anything about all this?", I screamed.

"Rach thought it was an empty threat and didn't want you to worry."

"BLOODY HELL!", my rage was seriously at it's extreme level and I was ready to burn the whole world down till I could dig my Sunshine out of ashes.

"Look Aaron, maybe I'm wrong. It's just an assumption."

"Yeah, but we can't overlook it.", Noah said.

Zack, who was quiet all this time, finally spoke,"If this was all planned then someone must have meddled the jet before Rachel left Chicago."

"We'll be needing the CCTV footage of the hangar where Rach's private jet was stored during her stay in Chicago.", came Noah's voice.

Without any further delay, the office of Chicago was called that was responsible for the parking of the jet and in half an hour, we'd received the footage.

I was just me, Noah, Aish and Zack in the room because we didn't want anyone else to know that we suspect someone yet.

The video stated. The jet was bought in the hangar on Thursday, 12:30 pm and the doors were close. The whole day there was no human activity around it.

The next day at around 4 pm, the door opened and a man in the hangar's company uniform came inside. He was looking a little suspicious. But that's not what caught my attention. The thing that caught my attention was he looked familiar.

The guy got near the jet and took out something from it's pocket. Then he started doing something with the jet. The footage was not very clear.

"He is meddling with the plane.", Aish said.

"Noah! Zoom on his face.", I demanded.

He followed my words and soon the image of his face began to clear.


The temper which I'd been able to control till now boosted up and I was really to kill that man as soon as I get hold of him.
I and Zack gave each other a knowing look while Aish and Noah seemed clueless.

"I can't believe it's him!", Zack exclaimed.

"Do you both know him?", Noah asked.

Nodding, I spat,"He is Rachel's ex-boyfriend, Nathan."

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