Chapter 12

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After returning from the party, I changed into my pj shorts and tank top

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After returning from the party, I changed into my pj shorts and tank top.

Putting my hair in a ponytail, I settle under my covers with the intention to sleep but instead my thoughts wandered back to Aaron and Julia.

It looked like they were very close.

But she's her ex- girlfriend, there is nothing going on between them now.

But what if now Aaron realized that he'd never stopped loving her?

Sighing, I close my eyes.

"Hey Nathan! How're you doing?"

I and Nathan were in a party. I didn't know anyone here because they were all Nathan's friends.

"I'm good man.", replied Nathan.

"And who's this beautiful lady with you?", the other guy looked at me.

I smiled to be polite.

"She's my girlfriend so she's off limits."

With this, Nathan dragged me away from there.

"Can you stop behaving like a slut in front of my friends?", he asked angrily.

"What did I do? It was your friend flirting with me.", I replied.

"But by smiling at him you were just encouraging him to continue."

"I was just being polite", I shouted.

He grabbed my wrist forcefully," Don't fucking shout at me Rachel."

"Nathy! I've missed you.", a girl, practically naked hugged Nathan.

"You look even better than before honey.", replied Nathan, with his hand still around her waist.

It was not a new thing to me. He was always flirting with other girls in front of me.

"I'm even better in bed than before babe.", she winked.

Nathan smiled and left with her to meet his other friends leaving me alone.

Nathan had always been like this. Always hanging out with girls, flirting with them and but when it came to me, he didn't even let me talk to my male friends.

He had a problem with me working as a secretary that time. He even accused me sometimes for sleeping with my boss.

When I told him I want to start my own company, he went crazy and started throwing things. That was the first time he hit me.

And I was a very weak that time. I didn't had the courage to oppose him.

Love made me weak.

That's why I don't let any man in my life. But Aaron still found a peep hole and made his way in my heart. But seeing him today with Julia made me realize that love is not for me.
I can't handle all this drama and that's why I have to get over him.

Also I don't think he loves me, the way he was laughing with Julia, he'd never laughed with me.

Next morning, I was in my office when someone knocked.

Must be Lisa.

Without looking up from my laptop, I said,"Lisa, get me a coffee. My usual, black without sugar."

"Well I was here to do something else but if you want I can get you coffee too.", said a deep male voice.


I snapped towards him. As usual, my heart increased it's pace with the sight of him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Had an unfinished business and a question for you.", he shrugged.

"And that would be?"

"You owe me a dance and I want to know why you left yesterday without saying goodbye?"

This made me fill with rage.
First, he left me alone standing there for his so called friend and second, he has the audacity to stand in front of me and ask for an explanation.

"Well about the dance, I don't owe you anything because you were too busy with a FRIEND to notice my existence and the answer to your second question is also the same."

My reply came out more rudely than I wanted it to but who cares. He deserves it.

Then he did something to make me more angry.

He smiled. He fucking smiled.

"What are you smiling at?"

Ignoring my question he started to apologise for yesterday but I stopped him in middle," Why are you explaining to me? I'm not your girlfriend."

But you're behaving like one.

Shut up!

Without replying, he went to connect his phone with the speaker.

He chose to ignore my questions again and continued with whatever he was doing.

Soon a soft music reached my ears and Aaron asked for my hand.

I was reluctant to give in because if I want to move on, I've to maintain a distance.

But when his husky voice asked me to trust him, my hand automatically went into his.

And before I could process anything, I was in front of my table with his arms around my waist and my hands around his NECK.

How did that happen?

Then he moved his face closer to my neck which made me tighten my grip on him.

What the hell is he doing?

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"Consider it an apology dance.", he whispered and nuzzled my earlobe.

His minty breath on my neck and the feel of his nose on my skin made me close my eyes with pleasure. My legs had given up and if I'd not be holding him, I'm sure I would have fallen by now.

He held me close to his body and swayed with the music.

I don't even know when the music ended.
I was too lost in his smell when I heard him saying," You're the best dance partner I've ever had."

Then he kissed my forhead and left.

I stood there in shock, not knowing what to do.

I missed his warmth and smell.

If only I could stay in his arms forever!

All my promises to myself to get over him were forgotten as soon as his hands claimed my waist.
Him, coming here just to apologise and dance with me is only making everything more difficult.

Aaron West, how can I not fall in love with you?

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