Chapter 19

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The rays of sun peeked through the window, falling directly over the dark brown hair of Rachel, highlighting it and making her look more beautiful than she already is

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The rays of sun peeked through the window, falling directly over the dark brown hair of Rachel, highlighting it and making her look more beautiful than she already is.

Throughout the night she has blabbered in her sleep asking 'him' to not to beat her.

Must be the attacker.

Seeing her like that was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever experienced. I tried my best to comfort her in her sleep. Sometimes it worked instantly and the nightmare stopped but sometimes it took more time.

Finally, as the sky brightened slowly, the nightmares also stopped.

Her chest falling and rising steadily gives me peace. She hasn't moved in her sleep from fear for almost an hour now. That's a record of the night.

As I tangle my index finger in a strand of her hair, my mind drifts back to yesterday night's events.

I was just back from work when my phone ringed. It was an unknown number and I was about to ignore it when something told me that it can be important.

The person on phone introduced himself as a police officer and as soon as the words," Rachel Watson was attacked today.", left his mouth, my whole world stopped.

I couldn't form words to speak when he continued," She is fine. Just a little traumatized. Will you be able to come and get her?"

I managed to speak a yes before I rushed out of my apartment straight towards the car.

The whole drive went in a blur. I mindlessly followed the GPS as I silently prayed for Rachel to be okay.

Upon reaching the isolated street, I saw a few officers standing.

As I started to walk towards them, I spotted Rachel on a chair on the side of the road.

Even a blind person can tell just by the look at her face that how scared she is and seeing that she was alone with no one for support hurt me ever more.

A officer came towards and started saying something but I raised my hand to stop him.

"Later.", I said without moving my gaze from Rachel.

Right now, Rachel needs me. The whole world can go to hell.

Her head snapped in my direction when she felt my hand on her shoulder.

Tears filled her eyes as looked at me with relief.

I pulled her towards me forcefully yet making sure that I don't hurt her.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and cried for almost 15 minutes.

With my hands around her waist, and her head in the crook of my neck, everything seemed perfect.

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