A Reflective Test #1

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An old professor of mine said something along the lines of ... "a smart man doesn't need to memorize all of the answers, rather knows where to find them'.

I don't want you to look at this as a conventional test or worksheet in the academic sense. While you may be studying or aim to study in an academic setting, these little tests I have devised are not to be stressful in any way.

While there are going to be things you should know if you wish to purse music - the goals of this course is not to turn you into a professional gigging musician. These tests are designed to make you think a bit - but you are free to use any resources you have at your disposal. Think of this an not only an open book test, but open internet and notes as well. By going over these questions over & over you will, by nature, be learning/memorizing the material.

Also... it's quite difficult to properly test in a free - online resource. 😅

My One Rule:

Please try and figure out the answer at least once prior to looking it up in your notes, internet, etc.

This is a two part test. Written and performance based.

Things you will need:


Staff Paper

Regular Lined Paper



Written Part I

1. How many sharps and flats are in the key of C major?

2. What is the formula that all major scales are built with?

3. What is the root, third, and fifth of a D major chord? (staff paper)

4. What notes build a Dsus2 triad? (staff paper)

5. What does it mean if I say... "This chord shape is transposable?"

6. Please write out the chromatic scale starting from A# (staff paper)

7. What is 'standard tuning?'

8. What is drop D tuning?

9. What does BPM stand for?

10. Please list the names of the notes on the thickest string (low E) starting from open E.

11. Please list the names of the notes on the A string starting from open A.

12. What is the root, third, & fifth of a C major triad? (staff paper)

13. What is the difference between an arpeggio, chord, & scale?

14. Please list the proper names of all of the scale degrees currently covered starting from Tonic and ending with Leading Tone.

15. What would the chords be if I played a I - IV - V in the key of C major?

16. What would the chord be if I played a ii - V - vii - I in the key of C major?

17. Ideally you'd want to practice in a chair without arm rests... why?

18. Define 'diatonic'.

19. Quickly summarize what the CAGED system & why it is important.

20. What is the root, third, & fifth of an E major chord? (staff paper)

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