Practice Doesn't Make Perfect

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There is an old saying that claims "practice makes perfect" which I see a lot of my younger students interpret as them picking up the guitar and noodling at least once a day  in hopes they will improve on the guitar.

This is true - to a point.

I'd like to add to the saying by adding "Mindful Practice Makes Perfect". You need to be focusing on what you're actually doing if you want to improve to any real level of sophistication during your guitar playing career. Mindlessly noodling around is fun, yes, but also has it's time and place. You should practice most of the time methodically and with purpose almost as if you're at the gig.

That doesn't mean you can't make mistakes - of course not - that's what practice rooms/time are for. I want you to start looking at practice time like going to the gym - you need to have leg day, chest day, etc.

Of course I will provide multiple practice regiments you can use as a base to create your own at home but the rest is completely up to you and your discipline to continue.

Somethings I'd like you to get before I jump in to the material.

1. Metronome. This can be totally free by finding a free app on the App or Google play store.

2. Blank sheet music & chord diagrams. You can find both for free by search for blank sheet PDF on google or blank chord diagram PDF on google. A great resource can be the linked website down below:

- I highly recommend actually going out and purchasing them so you have them in notebook or single page form so you can organize your material in a binder. This makes life so much easier, trust me.

3. Guitar tuner. This is a must - I've even been on gigs and have had to lend my tuner to other guitarists which is unprofessional and can easily be avoided. Simply download a free one if you don't have a few bucks to drop on an actual tuner. I will break down the different styles of tuners in a later gear chapter(s). For now just make sure you can at least be in tune.

4. Notebook for notes & journaling.

5. Learn the notes to all of the open strings in standard tuning.

More on this will be discussed later.

For now, this is all you will need to complete this entire book/course. Everything should be free or easily obtainable.

I will cover basic guitar maintenance in a later chapter.

Assuming you have everything, let us begin the fun. See you all in the next chapter.

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