Chapter 13: Cry me a river

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Connor’s POV

It felt like a bullet hit me in the chest, I saw  Kris and Dana were all over each other, I was so excited to see her as well since we havent hung out in weeks and she welcomes me back by being on top of him! I wanted to go in there and punch him, but I didn’t have the nerve too. I knew something was going on between them, like the times where they are always way to close to each other, how Dana always holds her by the waist, she tells me they are just friends but clearly they are not, friends don’t suck each others faces! I couldn’t watch anymore so I walked away. 

Bree’s POV

Bitch! She was all over my boyfriend! And Dana, how could he not push her away. I know, I know that Dana has feelings for her even if he doesn’t say, but I have tried my best to be the girlfriend that he wanted, but I’m still not enough instead he goes to that slut. I hate her, I hated her before but now I see her on top of my boyfriend? Then its war! I will not lose Dana, obviously he still cares for me, or else he would’ve broken up with me by now. But the bitch better watch her back, she does not want me to be her enemy! 

Kris’s POV

My god! What is wrong with me? Why did I do that! We are both taken, why do we keep- he doesn’t even like me, he is just probably using me, friends with benefits? I don’t think so! 

As I was speed walking I see a very familiar face,  “Connor?” I ask myself, he turns around. I run to him and hug him “Connor! I missed you” I kiss him on the cheek but he doesn’t look to good “what’s wrong?” I ask him. “Nothing. Good to see you to” I couldn’t help but think that he didn’t mean it. I honestly need to stop doing that with Dana, I really like Connor and I don’t want to lose him. “What are you doing here, at the studio?” I ask him “I wanted to visit you, but looks like you were busy” he replies. I held onto his arm and when we both turn around there is Dana and Bree doing the same. Me and Dana looked at each other then looked at the ground. 

Connor drove me back to the house and the drive was quiet, awkard very awkward. We got out of the car and I could see that Dana was back already since his car is there. Connor walked me to the front door. “Thanks babe” I leaned in to kiss him and he looks away “just stop Kris” I looked at him confused “what?” “I said just stop!” he yelled at me “when were you going to tell me that you and Dana had a thing huh? When were you going to tell me that you two were making out in the dressing room?” tears were building up in my eyes. He saw. “I knew something was going on between you two, but since he has a girlfriend and since I liked you too much I pushed it aside. You two acted more then best friend Kris can't you see! That was hurting me.” I stayed there quiet staring at the floor while tears were falling down my face. “Was that the first time you kissed him?” I didn’t answer I was to hurt to answer. Then he grab my shoulders and lifted my head up “Kristen answer me! Was this the first time you kissed him?” he shouted “Kris please, I just want to know the truth!”

“no, no it wasn’t the first time!” he backed away slowly “when?” he asked “last night” I replied. He wipes the tears from his face “Kristen why would you do this to me? I gave you everything didn’t I? I loved you! But I was still not enough. I always felt like you weren’t mine, like half of you was but the other half just empty, and it happens to be that your other half is with Dana still” he said I could feel how hurt he was, I grabbed his arm but he let go “listen, I loved you too, I swear! But-” he cut me off “but you love Dana more” he said his voice quavering. “I’m sorry” I apologised. “Me too… its over” he walked away and I found myself crying all over the floor. 

Dana’s POV

I heard shouting outside on the porch, so I go downstairs and look out of the window. There Kris and Connor were arguing. Kris was crying so much, it happens to be that Connor found out about our kiss. I could tell Kris was hurt badly, she couldn’t stop crying I too felt like crying. She loves me. She doesn’t just like me anymore she loves me. If only she knew how I felt about her. Then I heard Connor saying “it’s over” then he left. Kris was just standing there crying, I wanted to hug her so bad, I just wanted to wrap my arms around her and say that everything is okay, and that she has me. 

Kris opens the door, and I hide behind the wall, she closed it and she turned her back to the door and slid down it, crying and then she pulled up her knees to her chest and hugged them and cried even more. I felt so sorry for her, I didn’t mean for them to break up, as much as I wanted it to happen I didn’t want to see her hurt, she looks like she was about to die. I sat behind the wall, listening to her sobbing, it hurt to just watch her there helplessly. Then all of a sudden the crying stopped. And I found her lying on the ground asleep. I carried her to her room, her eyes were so red and puffy. I then lay her on her bed and put her blankets over her, before kissing her on the forehead.

“I’m sorry Kris. I love you”. 

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