Chapter 5: Plastic Barbie

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Kris’s POV

He is gonna kiss me, omg, omg what should I do! “Babe?!” a squeaky voice yelled, I could recognise it from anywhere, me and Dana quickly shifted apart.

Bree came closer and closer she went to Dana and hugged him before giving him a peck on the lips. “Hey babe, so I was thinking-” she paused and looked at me, then put her hand on my shoulder, I thought she was gonna do some karate move on me and break my shoulder or something! But she didn’t instead she said “Kristen, look I am so sorry for how I acted towards you the other day when we met, I was just so stressed and when I am I say horrible things to people, I also have anger problems, and when I saw you hugging my boyfriend, I dno it kinda triggered my bad side, I’m not usually like that, promise” she then gave me a fake smile, obviously I could tell that Dana didn’t see it. “So Kristen? Are we friends? Do you forgive me?” she said, I just looked at her for a minute I knew she was faking it all just to make Dana believe that she was good and he totally bought it, and me not wanting to start an argument, I went along with it. “Yeah its fine, I get it, no more hugging Dana” I looked at Dana “but-” he was cut off by Bree, she hugged me then said “how could I ever be mean to Will’s little sister, I love Will I feel like he’s my brother too” and again she gave me that same fake smile so I gave her one back, probably the only reason why she is actually trying to be nice Is because I’m related to Will. 

Bree turned to Dana and put her hand on his chest slowly moving down him, I kinda tried not to look at them it was quite awkward, I felt like the third wheel. “So babe, how about you come over to my house today?” Dana hesitated, he looked at me and I shrugged my shoulder “actually… me Kris and the boys are going to the gym later and we were just heading back.” Dana said, but since I could tell Bree didn’t trust me, guess what she said “I’ll go to the gym with you guys! Besides we wont want Kris to be the only girl there right? But still come to my house, I need to get changed, you need to get dried and you can help me do all of those things” she said flirting with him, she was doing it on purpose since I was there. I get it Bree you don’t need to flirt with him, he is already yours gosh! 

“But Kris would end up going home alone” he said quietly to Bree, I looked at him and Bree, and said “no its fine Dana, I’ll jog back home, besides she’s your GIRLFRIEND right, she needs to come first, I’m a big girl now you don’t need to look after me.” he looked shocked and disappointed when I said that. I went a head and jogged back home by myself. 

Dana’s POV

Damn it I was so close to kissing her! But Bree just came at the wrong time, I saw how upset Kris looked before she left while jogging, I admit I like her but I like Bree as well, well I liked the old Bree now she’s being a diva, I would break up with her but I can't, I don’t want to leave her while she is being like this! I want to make her how she was before, as the girl I fell in love with, but right now I have no luck. And I feel like I’m cheating on Bree with Kris, and I’m cheating on Kris with Bree, I like them both, but… I don’t even know. 

While in the car Bree is driving and she was talking to me but I didn’t really know what she said I kinda blanked out since we drove past Kris jogging, oh my god she is beautiful even when she is covered in sweat and water, her hair just bounces up and down and falls perfectly, she makes my heart beat faster. I then felt myself being nudged by Bree, I look at her and she looked so irritated. “Are you even listening to me!” she exclaimed, I nodded and pretended to know what she was talking about, she talked some more. I just stared at her, comparing her to Kris. They were both completely different. Bree had pinned straight blonde hair with dark blue eyes, she always wore make up I don’t know why, she looks beautiful without it, and a lot of expensive jewellery, she’s not into sports and she gets upset easily or annoyed with things easily. She got annoyed with me when I gave her a 100 dollar necklace she said she wanted the 120 dollar necklace! Bree is really girly, she could never really fight for herself, I first met her when she was being attacked by these boys they wanted to… ya know do things to her, and she sat there helplessly even if she tried to push the boys away she couldn’t, and I always had to come to her rescue, but Kris on the other hand, I wouldn’t exactly call her a tomboy because she isn’t, she can actually be a proper girly girl if she wanted to, but Kris looks like an angel I love her ombre coloured hair and her dark brown eyes that appeared as if it was black, her fashion sense is completely different to Bree’s. Kris wore cool and hipster kind of clothes converse and beanies while Bree wore mega high heels with really short skirts, Kris never wears to much make up and I know I shouldn’t worry about her because she is one of the strongest girls I know, she can fight 20 guys on her own if she wanted to, she never needs saving, but for some reason she makes me feel worried about her even if I don’t need to, she makes me feel like I have to save her, even when she doesn’t need saving. 

How can I fall for two people that aren't even anything a like even their names are completely different ‘Kris’ and ‘Bree’. 

Kris’s POV

I got home and shut the door, I walked into the kitchen and there was a girl standing by the fridge, I looked confused, I was even checking if I was in the right house. She turned to me and gave me a smile, she was flawless. I swear I have seen her somewhere I just cant put my finger on it. “hello!” she said, “I’m alex” that’s her! She is the girl who has that youtube channel, she sang 'A Thousand Years' and Gabe was in it. 

I answered back “oh my god! You’re Alex! Girl I love you, you’re voice is beautiful!” she laughed “So is yours, I saw you and Will’s video on Twitter that Dana uploaded, Kristen right?” I nodded “but you can call me Kris” “I have been dieing to meet you” she said and comes towards me and gives me a hug “I have been desperate to meet Will’s baby sis, I’ve only ever met Alex, but woah, you are gorgeous!” I blushed, “oh shucks” we both laughed.  Gabe comes in and kisses alex on the cheek “I’m guessing you two have met?” we both nodded at him, “wheres Dana? I thought you two left to jog?” Gabe asked, while he had his hand on Alex’s waist. “he left with Bree” I said with a bit of irritation in my voice. Alex rolled her eyes “damn I hate that girl!” my eyes widened, in all honesty I would’ve thought that they would be besties since she is Gabe’s girlfriend and Bree’s Dana’s. “babe, I want to have some girl time with Kris” Alex said to Gabe, he nods and walks back outside where the guys are. 

Alex pulled me into the living room and we sat down on the couch chatting. “So do you like Dana!” she blurted out. Woah, well that was a straight forward question. After a couple of seconds and I didn’t answer she took the answer as a yes “oh my god you like dana don’t you!” she said again kind of fan girling. “I don’t exactly know, I did like him since I was 12 and he knew I liked him but I knew I wouldn’t have a chance, then when I turned 14 I ended up moving to England for a music scholar, thats when I told him I liked him.” I said to her, I don’t know why but I felt comfortable with her, I felt like I could trust her. “Aww that’s sad, but do you like him?” she asked again. I nodded slightly and she starts fan girling. “The boys told me about you and Dana, I was just there fan girling.” I looked confused when she said that “what exactly did they tell you?” I asked and she replied with “everything!”. I smiled at how energetic she was, she looked like she was a good person, then I suddenly asked “why don’t you like Bree?” her smile faded and then she looked pissed “well… I never really liked her at all. When Dana introduced us to her, I don’t know I just had a huge feeling that everything would go down hill with her, before she looked all sweet and innocent in fact too much, it pissed me off that she always needed Dana by her side, she couldn’t face anything alone, and Dana being the gentlemen that he is obviously helped her, she was like a big baby. Then one day I found her flirting with Gabe and she tried to like touch him and what not, but Gabe pushed her away, I had like a huge fight with her after that.” I stared at her wide eyed with my mouth opened. So she was never the sweet and innocent person Dana kept telling me she was. 

“But you have to promise not to tell Dana that happened okay?” she said and I nodded “I promise! I never break a promise”

“Because if Dana found out, he would be so upset, he really likes Bree, I don’t know why, she is as fake and plastic as a Barbie doll.” I laughed at that last part and then questioned her “why are you telling me this?” and she replied “well… I don’t know I just feel like I can trust you, and I totally ship you and Dana, I know I have just met you, but you’re alot like Will, and Will is a good guy. You seem like a nice person as well, and I know we will be great friends!” I smile at her, me getting emotional as well. I have finally met a girlfriend!

That was pretty short I think, but just to let ya'll know that I put up a new chapter everyday so yeah :D

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