Chapter 2: Welcome Home!

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Kris’s POV

Well we arrived at the house, aka the 'Bandhouse' creative I know.

The boys helped me put my things in the house, it looked really cool it gave me a very boy bandy kind of feel, but seem very homily at the same time. Cole shouted “Welcome home, Kris” I smiled at him and then me and Will bought my bags upstairs to my new room. I liked it, my room had  light blue wallpaper with butterflies scattered in places then there was a huge music note on the top of the door and there was a keyboard and a

guitar on the guitar stand by the closet. 


An hour past and me and Will have just finished putting my things in the closet and laying things out.

After, me and Will decided to go downstairs. 

Dana’s POV

"Ok guys shut up, he’s gonna hear us” I told the guys. We were going to prank Will by hosing him.

When we heard footsteps coming down...

“Fire!” Cole yelled, we started pelting and throwing water balloons at him, then after we ran out we started laughing hysterically. Then we just heard nothing, complete silence, and knowing Will he would have had a right yell at us, we then looked at the soaked Kristen, then our smiles faded. 

Will came in looking shocked at the state of his sister. “What on earth are you doing!” he said yelling at us. He was pretty pissed. Kris quickly ran to the mirror that was next to her and she put her finger on her face, her make up was dripping then she quickly covered the skin just below her roght eye. I could have sworn I saw a black eye.

“Is that a black eye Kris?” I asked and she looked at me in shock while covering her eye then looking at Will. She quickly ran up the stairs. David shouted while she was running  “Kris we’re sorry it wasn’t meant for you!” then we heard the door slam shut. 

Will's POV

I opened the door to Kris’s room not even knocking, I heard Dana asking if it was a black eye and I got worried. “Kris?” I asked while walking in, “don’t you ever knock?” she snapped while changing into dry clothes, then re applying her make up. She sat on the bed and I sat next to her. “Kris what happened?” 

“Josh happened” she said sharply. 

I looked at her confused “Josh? isn’t that your friend in London?” I asked "ooh London, I love London, I want to visit London, I love that word, London" I said getting off track "sorry, I'm serious now. But yeah what happened?" She answered “actually my ex boyfriend.” I stared at her for a moment and feeling like my heart clenched into a fist. I almost had a heart attack when she said that, my baby sister? A boyfriend? She didn’t even tell me, I felt hurt. “You had a boyfriend you didn’t even tell me?” I shouted but not to loud, I heard a creak in the floor board in the hallway, I knew the boys were there listening but I was to  pissed, mad and angry to do anything about it. I carried on “And what did he do? Did he hit you? Did he do that to you?” she nodded and looked at the ground “He was a bastard anyway. I thought he was a good dude but he wasn’t, he was possessive and abusive, and I couldn’t take it anymore so I hit him, he hit me back and that’s how I got this” she pointed to her bruised eye. “I also managed to get him into hospital, which was my revenge...” now I was really angry. I was angry at what that guy did to Kris, but I’m also angry at Kris that she hit someone and managed to hurt them so bad until the point where they ended up in hospital.

My voice calmed down a bit “That is not like you, its not like you to hide a relationship away from me, mom, dad and alex its not like you to get into a fight and get them seriously injured, its just not you!” she rolled her eyes “people change Will, I was alone in England, I didn’t have you or Alex to protect me anymore, I needed to learn how to do it on my own” she said. “The thing that gets me is that you didn’t even tell us you were dating anyone! He was your first boyfriend-” she cut me off "I'm sorry Will, I’m never going to do it again, just please dont tell mom and dad please" she begged "if I have a boyfriend you will be the first to know, I’ve  learnt my lesson okay!” she stormed out of the room grabbing her guitar, but then stopped by the door

"And he wasnt my first" she said before walking out of the room completely.  While my eyes widened as she left.

The boys came in and said that they heard everything. “Should I go to her or-” Dana asked “no, she does that all the time when she’s upset, she storms away, just leave her”. 

Dana's POV

Me and the boys were listening to what Will and Kris were saying it shocked me that she had a boyfriend and an abusive one too. I imagined for her first boyfriend to be a guy who would love her and actually look after her, I guess I was wrong, which is what got me  mad, she deserves better! She then stormed out of the room carrying a guitar and left the house. 

2 hours later. 

Kris came back looking calmer. “Hey Kris, I just wanted to apologise for what me and the boys did earlier, I hope you’re not mad at us.” I said, she smiled at me, “dude I’m not mad at you, that was a pretty cool prank, but If it happened to Will then that would be even better.” I smiled and looked at her. Man she was adorable, she had her hair in a high pony tale and she was wearing her glasses much like the ones they give at the cinema, I loved how it looked way too big for her face. “Hey can I talk to you privately for a sec?” I asked her and she nodded, so we both went outside once again. 

We sat on the benches in front of the house. “So….” I started awkwardly “remember before when you told me you liked-” she interrupted me “yes I do, do we have to talk about it?”

“I just want to know if you still like me that way?” she hesitated to answer.

“Well…. I honestly  don’t know, I had a pretty big crush on you before, even when I went to England, and it did kind of hurt me knowing that you didn’t feel the same way about me. I assumed it was the way I looked because other then that flaw, I was always pretty much nice to you, so I kinda gave up. Remember what you said and I quote. 'I’m sorry Kris but I can never see you anything more then just a sister', your words not mine” I sat there looking at the ground sadly. And then she carried on “I dno Dana, its been 2 years, so probably not.” I honestly felt hurt, I don’t even know why.

I don’t even have a crush on her. Or do I? I cant, there are so many reasons why I cant like Kris. She then smiled and pulled my arm making me stand up, “come on Dana lets try to be happy? I’m really happy that I get to finally see you again even with what happened to us, we were bestfriend, lets just try and enjoy being friends, huh?” I faked a smile and said “okay!” 

These parts a really boring but when it gets to the middle part then BOOM! thats when it starts hitting it off. just bare with me, I have everything planned out. 

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