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I was sitting on my bed in the darkness of my room, skyping to Nichole, Adam, and Simon and doing a school project we've have waited until last second to do. Apparently, while I was in the hospital they had said I'll be in their group which, I guess is better than being with people I don't know as well. But now with not much time left, we were trying to come us with an idea.

Thankfully it was a music class which is one class that I was good in, and we needed to approach a song in a different genre.

"Maybe we could take a popular song on the charts on Spotify that's upbeat and change it to like a slow sad song" Adam suggested. Adam had his cast gotten off a couple off days ago which he was relieved by because in class he would sit with a pen and scratch his arm to get away the itching he has whined about.

"Yeah, That's a good idea, so lets cheek for a good song and then we can get started," Nicole said and we all went on Spotify to find a good song to use.

As we were searching Adams little brother, Nelson burst though Adams door. That little six-year-old was the cutest thing and looked up to Adam so much even though Adam get easily angry with him when he whines.

"Adam, Adam, Adam!" Nelson repeated and jumped up and down beside Adam where he sat in his chair by his desk.

"What is it, little guy?" He asks.

"Can I play on your computer?"

"No," Adam says and Nelson immediately pouts and crosses his little arms over his chest.

"Why not?"

"Because one; I'm doing homework on it right now and two; you shouldn't play those games" He pointed out.

"What game is it?" I ask.

"Call of duty," He said and my eyes widen. How does a six-year-old get to play a game where to goal is to kill other players and is realistic!

"What!? I didn't even know you liked those games" I said. Adam doesn't seem like the type of guy to play games but more like go shopping or gossip because gossip is what Nichole and Adam do mostly through lunch while Simon and I have mini food wars.

"No, I don't but dad who knows absolutely nothing about games got it for him and let him play it and now he's like obsessed. His friend at school showed him"

"But please Adam!"

"Not now Nels"

"Pleeease!" Nelson dragged out and that continued for another five minutes before Adam got angry and called for their mom to take him out of the room. We continued with our project but sometimes I happened to get lost in my thoughts and start thinking about what dad had told us before. I don't think it had fully sunk in yet and I'm not sure when it was going to but for the moment I was just happy for dad. When we were almost done my door opened letting the light from the hall to blind me for a second.

Luke stood by my door and walked over to my bed.

"What is it, Luke?" I asked.

"We were going to make that cover Noah was talking about"

"Oh," I said "Okay, let me just finish up with this then I will come"

"Okay go down to the gaming room"


Luke looked down at my screen where everyone was looking at us and listening. "Hi, guys," Luke said. 

"Hi, Luke" Adam was first to say quickly followed by Nichole who had a dreamy look and said a hi. I smiled a little at Adams fast reaction.

Being the Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now